Import the certificates into your HSM and/or place any of the credentials which are stored in PKCS#12 files to the correct location:
Tomcat on Windows: C:\PATH\TO\TOMCAT\webapps\idm-[admin|operator]\WEB-INF\classes\
Tomcat on Linux: /path/to/tomcat/idm-[admin|operator]/WEB-INF/classes/
Docker on Linux: /PATH/TO/smartid/docker/compose/certs/ (additionally /PATH/TO/smartid/docker/compose/cacerts/ for CA certificates that need to be trusted)
Edit the XML configuration file(s) to reference the appropriate files:
Tomcat on Windows: C:\PATH\TO\TOMCAT\webapps\idm-[admin|operator]\WEB-INF\classes\engineSignEncryptConfig.xml
Tomcat on Linux: /path/to/tomcat/idm-[admin|operator]/WEB-INF/classes/engineSignEncryptConfig.xml
Docker on Linux: /PATH/TO/smartid/docker/compose/identitymanager/config/signencrypt.xml
Note: each file needs to be referenced by the path within the container, as opposed to the path on the host.
For example:file:/certs/MYFILE.p12
Import the configZipSigner certificate or its issuer into the IDM truststore (place it into /PATH/TO/smartid/docker/compose/cacerts/ on Docker).