Versions Compared


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This article includes updates for Smart ID Identity Manager 24.R1.


For more information, see Configure Tomcat below.


  • Installed Smart ID 24.R1 or later

  • Installed and running HSM with PKCS#11 library available on the Identity Manager server


  • The library is provided with your Identity Manager package or on request.

  • The library exists as 32 bit and 64 bit version. Use the 64 bit version with Identity Manager.



deployment on Windows

To be accessed, the library must be available in the PATH environment variable.

  • Create a new folder for it and add the folder to the PATH or copy it to your C:\Windows\System32 folder.




For Docker deployment, libjpkcs11 needs to be placed onto the docker host and then mounted into the respective containers. Add a volume mount to docker/compose/identitymanager/admin/docker-compose.yml and docker/compose/identitymanager/operator/docker-compose.yml. In the example below, (version number may vary) is placed into the docker/compose/identitymanager/config/ folder, which is then mounted into the container’s Tomcat folder for native libs as


  • bcmail-*.jar

  • bcpgp-*.jar

  • bcpkix-*.jar

  • bcprov-*.jar (including bcprov-ext-*.jar)

Additional information

titleUseful links