Comment: This article is new for Smart ID Identity Manager 24.R1.
Remember to update the release version number before publishing externally.
Info |
This article includes updates for Smart ID Identity Manager 24.R1. |
Generate dummy certificate for transient key-pairs generated on a target device when provisioning Smart ID Mobile/Desktop App profiles (the certificates themselves are merely used as transport container for the key-usage parameter)
TODO: David Banz what should we add here? This info is missing.
Configured in the following application
Info |
Descriptor included in default configuration. Correct bootstrapping may be required for productive use, depending on the use-case. Dev- and test systems may use placeholders (for example created with package or the corresponding Docker container). |
Signing content for Visual ID provisioning to Smart ID Mobile App
Configured in the following applications
Identity Manager Operator (
seeSee Set up visual ID layout in Identity Manager for more information.)
storage: pkcs12, HSM (recommended)versioning: possible
Possible, but unnecessary.
General requirements
- placeholder
Placeholder allowed only if Visual ID is not used
- if
If the certificate configured here is not trusted by the end-user (mobile-) device, then Visual ID provisioning will fail
- forgery
Forgery of Visual ID possible if placeholder key is used and also trusted by the end-user device
- if
Key requirements
Supported types
RSA 2048
RSA 3072
RSA 4096 (recommended)certificate
Certificate requirements
- must
Must not be self-signed!
- key
Key usage is not checked (recommended for informational purposes: set digitalSignature)
- issuing
Issuing CA cert must be trusted by the app onto which to provision Visual IDs
- validity
Validity: at your discretion (make sure you do not forget to renew before the expiry date!), validity is checked on the SDK side
versioning Versioning not needed (always uses the default (i.e. highest) version)