This article describes how to upgrade Nexus Timestamp Server both on Windows and on Linux.
Upgrade from Nexus Timestamp Server 2.2.1 to 2.3.
Update libraries and files
Run the file nexus-timestamp-installer-2.3.12.jar and follow the instructions.
During the upgrade:
On Windows
The installer will automatically detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation from the Windows registry and upgrades your Nexus Timestamp Server files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default C:\Program Files\Nexus\Timestamp Server).On Linux
The installer will only detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation if the selected install path already contains an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation. If detected, the installer will upgrade the files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default /usr/local/timestamp-server).Remove the timestamp-server service from /etc/init.d/:
chkconfig --del timestamp-server
rm /etc/init.d/timestamp-server
systemctl daemon-reload
Install timestamp-server in systemd as follows:
sh <timestamp-server-install-dir>/bin/ install timestamp-server <youruser> <yourgroup>
Run the following command to start the service:
systemctl start timestamp-server