Versions Compared
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This article provides a list of the open source components used in Smart ID Digital Access component (Hybrid Access Gateway).
License name | Component | Version |
Apache 1.1 | bcpg-jdk15on | 1.51 |
commons-discovery | 0.2 | |
commons-fileupload | 1.0 | |
oro | 2.0.8 | |
accessors-smart | 1.2 | |
alpn-boot | 8.1.3.v20150130 | |
annotations | 15.0 | |
ant | 1.9.3 | |
ant-launcher | 1.9.3 | |
axis | 1.4 | |
axis-jaxrpc | 1.4 | |
axis-saaj | 1.4 | |
axis-wsdl4j | 1.5.1 | |
bsf | 2.4.0 | |
btf | 1.2 | |
byte-buddy | 1.2.1 | |
cglib-nodep | 2.2 | |
classmate | 1.3.1 | |
commons-beanutils | 1.7.0 | |
commons-codec | 1.10 | |
commons-collections | 3.2.1 | |
commons-collections | 3.2.2 | |
commons-collections4 | 4.1 | |
commons-compress | 1.18 | |
commons-csv | 1.5 | |
commons-digester | 1.8 | |
commons-httpclient | 2.0.2 | |
commons-io | 1.3.2 | |
commons-io | 2.4 | |
commons-io | 2.6 | |
commons-lang | 2.6 | |
commons-lang3 | 3.5 | |
commons-lang3 | 3.8.1 | |
commons-logging | 1.2 | |
commons-text | 1.6 | |
compiler | 0.8.17 | |
core | 1.47.1 | |
core | 1.7 | |
cpe-parser | 2.0.0 | |
cxf-core | 3.1.18 | |
cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs | 3.1.18 | |
cxf-rt-rs-client | 3.1.18 | |
cxf-rt-transports-http | 3.1.18 | |
dependency-check-core | 5.0.0-M3 | |
dependency-check-gradle | 5.0.0-M3.1 | |
dependency-check-utils | 5.0.0-M3 | |
derby | 10.0.2 | |
error_prone_annotations | 2.2.0 | |
failureaccess | 1.0.1 | |
FastInfoset | 1.2.12 | |
finagle-core_2.11 | 6.33.0 | |
finagle-http_2.11 | 6.33.0 | |
finagle-native_2.11 | 6.33.0 | |
geronimo-jta_1.1_spec | 1.1.1 | |
google-collect | 1.0-rc1 | |
google-collections | 1.0 | |
google-http-client | 1.22.0 | |
google-http-client-extensions | 1.6.0-beta | |
google-http-client-jackson2 | 1.22.0 | |
google-oauth-client | 1.6.0-beta | |
google-oauth-client-extensions | 1.6.0-beta | |
gson | 2.6.2 | |
gson | 2.8.5 | |
guava | 18.0 | |
guava | 27.1-jre | |
guava | r09 | |
hibernate-validator | 5.3.4.Final | |
httpclient | 4.4.1 | |
httpclient | 4.5.2 | |
httpcore | 4.4.9 | |
httpcore | 4.4.1 | |
j2objc-annotations | 1.1 | |
jackson-annotations | 2.5.0 | |
jackson-annotations | 2.9.0 | |
jackson-annotations | 2.9.8 | |
jackson-core | 2.5.4 | |
jackson-core | 2.9.8 | |
jackson-coreutils | 1.8 | |
jackson-databind | 2.5.4 | |
jackson-databind | 2.9.8 | |
jackson-dataformat-yaml | 2.9.8 | |
jackson-jaxrs-base | 2.9.8 | |
jackson-jaxrs-json-provider | 2.9.8 | |
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations | 2.9.8 | |
jandex | 1.2.2.Final | |
javax.inject | 1 | |
jboss-logging | 3.3.0.Final | |
jcip-annotations | 1.0-1 | |
jcommander | 1.12 | |
jdeb | 1.4 | |
jdo2-api | 2.3-eb | |
joda-time | 2.9.4 | |
joda-time | 2.9.9 | |
json-schema-core | 1.2.5 | |
json-schema-validator | 2.2.6 | |
json-simple | 1.1.1 | |
json-smart | 2.3 | |
jsontoken | 1.0 | |
jsr305 | 1.3.9 | |
jsr305 | 3.0.0 | |
jsr305 | 3.0.2 | |
libphonenumber | 6.2 | |
log4j | 1.2.16 | |
lucene-analyzers-common | 8.0.0 | |
lucene-core | 8.0.0 | |
lucene-queries | 8.0.0 | |
lucene-queryparser | 8.0.0 | |
lucene-sandbox | 8.0.0 | |
markdown4j | 2.2-cj-1.1 | |
msg-simple | 1.1 | |
netty | 3.10.1.Final | |
netty-buffer | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-codec | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-codec-http | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-codec-http2 | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-codec-socks | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-common | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-handler | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-handler-proxy | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-resolver | 4.1.5.Final | |
netty-transport | 4.1.5.Final | |
nimbus-jose-jwt | 4.37 | |
objenesis | 1.2 | |
objenesis | 2.1 | |
objenesis | 2.4 | |
ognl | 2.6.3 | |
openpojo | 0.8.4 | |
ossindex-service-api | 1.2.0 | |
ossindex-service-client | 1.2.0 | |
package-url-java | 1.0.1 | |
serializer | 2.7.1 | |
snakeyaml | 1.6 | |
snakeyaml | 1.23 | |
stax-api | 1.0.1 | |
swagger-annotations | 2.0.8 | |
swagger-core | 2.0.8 | |
swagger-integration | 2.0.8 | |
swagger-jaxrs2 | 2.0.8 | |
swagger-models | 2.0.8 | |
tapestry | 3.0.3 | |
tapestry-contrib | 3.0.3 | |
tomcat-annotations-api | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-api | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-catalina | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-coyote | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-el-api | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-jasper | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-jasper-el | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-jsp-api | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-juli | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-servlet-api | 7.0.64 | |
tomcat-util | 7.0.64 | |
validation-api | 1.1.0.Final | |
woodstox-core-asl | 4.4.1 | |
xalan | 2.7.1 | |
xerces | 2.4.0 | |
xml-apis | 1.3.04 | |
xmlbeans | 2.6.0 | |
xmlschema-core | 2.2.3 | |
xmlsec | 1.4.6 | |
xmlsec | 1.5.8 | |
xmlsec | 1.3.0 | |
mailapi | 1.6.2 | |
alpn-api | 1.1.3.v20160715 | |
jetty-http | 9.4.0.M1 | |
jetty-io | 9.4.0.M1 | |
jetty-server | 9.4.0.M1 | |
jetty-util | 9.4.0.M1 | |
javassist | 3.20.0-GA | |
javassist | 3.22.0-GA | |
Bouncy Castle License | bcmail-jdk15on | 1.49 |
bcmail-jdk15on | 1.52 | |
bcpkix-jdk15on | 1.49 | |
bcpkix-jdk15on | 1.52 | |
bcprov-jdk15on | 1.51 | |
bcprov-jdk15on | 1.52 | |
Berkeley Software Distribution | asm | 5.0.4 |
janino | 2.5.10 | |
stax2-api | 3.1.4 | |
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD 2) | hamcrest-core | 1.1 |
hamcrest-core | 1.3 | |
postgresql | 42.1.1 | |
dom4j | 1.6.1 | |
reflections | 0.9.10 | |
antlr | 2.7.7 | |
commons-compiler | 2.7.8 | |
dom4j | 1.6.1 | |
janino | 2.7.8 | |
java-hamcrest | | |
markdown4j | 2.2-cj-1.1 | |
minlog | 1.3 | |
scala-library | 2.11.7 | |
scala-parser-combinators_2.11 | 1.0.4 | |
jzlib | 1.1.3 | |
CC0 | jsr166e | 1.0.0 |
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL 1.0) | activation | 1.1 |
saaj-api | 1.3.4 | |
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL 1.1) | aopalliance-repackaged | 2.4.0-b31 |
gmbal-api-only | 3.1.0-b001 | |
hk2-api | 2.4.0-b31 | |
hk2-locator | 2.4.0-b31 | |
hk2-utils | 2.4.0-b31 | |
istack-commons-runtime | 2.16 | |
javax.annotation-api | 1.2 | |
javax.inject | 2.4.0-b31 | |
javax.json | 1.0.4 | |
javax.servlet-api | 3.1.0 | | | 2.0.1 | |
javax.xml.soap-api | 1.3.5 | |
jaxb-api | 2.2.7 | |
jaxb-core | 2.2.7 | |
jaxb-impl | 2.2.7 | |
jaxws-api | 2.2.9 | |
jaxws-api | 2.2.9 | |
jaxws-rt | 2.2.8 | |
jersey-client | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-common | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-container-servlet | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-container-servlet-core | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-entity-filtering | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-guava | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-media-jaxb | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-media-json-jackson | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-media-multipart | 2.22.1 | |
jersey-server | 2.22.1 | |
jsr181-api | 1.0-MR1 | |
jstl | 1.2 | |
1.4 | ||
mailapi | 1.4.3 | |
management-api | 3.0.0-b012 | |
mimepull | 1.9.1 | |
mimepull | 1.9.6 | |
osgi-resource-locator | 1.0.1 | |
policy | 2.3.1 | |
saaj-impl | 1.3.20 | |
stax-ex | 1.7.1 | |
streambuffer | 1.5.1 | |
transaction-api | 1.1 | |
Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0) | ecj | 4.4.2 |
h2 | 1.4.197 | |
hibernate-jpa-2.1-api | 1.0.0.Final | |
logback-classic | 1.1.3 | |
logback-classic | 1.1.7 | |
logback-core | 1.1.3 | |
logback-core | 1.1.7 | |
org.jacoco.agent | 0.7.8 | |
Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL-2.0) | ha-api | 3.1.9 |
GNU General Public License v2.0 (GPL 2) | mysql-connector-java | 5.1.35 |
annotations | 2.0.1 | |
istack-commons-runtime | 2.16 | | | 2.0.1 | |
javax.xml.soap-api | 1.3.5 | |
jaxb-api | 2.3.0 | |
jaxb-core | 2.2.7 | |
jaxb-impl | 2.2.7 | |
logback-classic | 1.1.7 | |
logback-core | 1.1.7 | |
mimepull | 1.9.1 | |
mimepull | 1.9.6 | |
GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL 2.1) | bsh-2.0b4.jar | |
jcifs | 1.3.17 | |
hibernate-entitymanager | 5.0.2.Final | |
hibernate-c3p0 | 5.0.2.Final | |
hibernate-commons-annotations | 5.0.0.Final | |
hibernate-core | 5.0.2.Final | |
jcommon | 1.0.0 | |
jfreechart | 1.0.2 | |
retirejs-core | 3.0.1 | |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) license | animal-sniffer-annotations | 1.17 |
checker-qual | 2.5.2 | |
classgraph | 4.6.32 | |
jcl-over-slf4j | 1.7.15 | |
jopt-simple | 4.6 | |
jsoup | 1.11.3 | |
packageurl-java | 1.1.0 | |
pushy | 0.8.1 | |
redline | 1.2.1 | |
semver4j | 2.2.0 | |
slf4j-api | 1.7.6 | |
slf4j-api | 1.7.12 | |
slf4j-api | 1.7.25 | |
slf4j-api | 1.7.26 | |
slf4j-api | 1.7.28 | |
slf4j-log4j12 | 1.6.1 | |
sqljdbc41 | 4.1 | |
Mozilla Public License | itext | 1.4.8 |
rhino | 1.7R4 | |
Oracle Technology Network License Agreement | ojdbc8 | |
Unknown or Suspected Proprietory | jdom | 1.0 |
Not specified | jsr173_api | 1.0 |
jsr173 | 1.0 |
This article is valid from Nexus Hybrid Access Gateway 5.13.