The service mainly transfers user data including related access tokens and entitlement assignments. The tables below show the default field mapping. If needed, additional fields can be configured, using the SCIM API and useradditionalfield in the database configuration. User field mappingBy default, the following data is mapped between the USER table in the PACS Backend and the iSecure service: SR No | PACS Backend field (Web API) | iSecure field (UI) |
1 | Value configured under setting empCodeField | Emp Code | 2 | Combination of givenName and FamilyName | Name | 3 | Value configured under setting companyName | Company | 4 | Value configured under setting Location | Location | 5 | Value configured under setting Department | Department | 6 | Value configured under setting subDept | Sub-Dept | 7 | Status column of user table | Status | 8 | Address of user from Address table | Address |
Access token field mappingBy default, the following data is mapped between the ACCESSTOKEN and ACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIER tables in the PACS Backend and the iSecure service: SR No | PACS Backend field (Web API) | iSecure field (UI) |
1 | Value configured under setting cardNumberIdentifier | Card Number | 2 | Default Configuration for cardFormat | CardFormat | 3 | USER-PIN (No Direct link) | Pin column of user table | 4 | Default Configuration for accessType | AccessType |
Entitlement assignment field mappingBy default, the following data is mapped between the ENTITLEMENTASSIGNMENT table in the PACS Backend and the iSecure service: SR No | PACS Backend field (Web API) | iSecure field (UI) |
1 | assigneeid (assignee -value) | Emp Code | 2 | ExternalId (ExternalId) | Access Groups Id (Access Groups Id, not on UI) | 3 | DisplayName (entitlement-DisplayName) | Access Group (Namn) |