Versions Compared


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This article includes updates for Digital Access 6.3.2.


titleAdd attribute

Either you continue from the previous step, or you

  • Select the web resource under Registered Resources
  • Click Edit Resource Host...
  • Click Advanced Settings...
  1. At the bottom of the page, click Add Attribute... under section Back-end Attributes.
  2. Add a back-end attribute:
    1. Enter guac as Name.
    2. Use Header as Type.
    3. Use Static Value as Source.
    4. Choose None as Encoding
    5. As Value, add username, password and IP address or DNS name of RDP host:

      Code Block

      this could look like:

      Code Block

      protocol -  is one of: rdp, ssh, telnet, vnc
      additional parameters following: key=value,key=value...
      More details can be found here:

  3. Click Add.
  4. Click Next and Finish Wizard.


Single sign-on script in
  1. In Digital Access

  1. Admin, click Browse.

  2. Upload the provided files (without changing the file names) to access-point/custom-files/scripts

titleAdd Single Sign-On templates

If the username and password should be picked from a specific SSO domain, do the following adaptions. Refer also to Single sign-on script in Digital Access, headings "Upload script files" and "Add filters".

Do the instructions below for these scripts:

Upload script files

Insert excerpt
Single sign-on script in Digital Access

titleAdd filters
  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage Resource Access > Global Resource Settings.
  2. Go to the Filters tab and click Add Filter...
  3. As Display Name enter sso_username.
  4. As Script Name enter sso_username.
  5. SelectRequest as Type of Filter.
  6. Select the Guacamole web resource as Resource Host.
  7. Enter * in Path.
  8. Select Headers as Apply Filter To.
  9. Click Add.
  10. Add filters for sso_password, sso_domain, and sso_uid.

