Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This article is valid for Smart ID 20.11 and later.


  1. To group fields under a common heading, add a Group.

  2. To add a configurable text to the form, add a Text Element.

  3. Use Horizontal Line and Row Distance for a nice layout of the form.

  4. To add a search field, add a Search Element,. In Details, select a Search Configuration.

  5. To add a field for free text input, add a Variable Field.

    1. If multiple Card SDK printers are configured, use 'processVarCardSdkPrinterUrl'.

  6. To add a link: 

    1. Select to add a Link.

    2. Enter a Name of link. If this field is empty, the encoded URL will be displayed. 

    3. Enter a URL including the protocol. 


The URL can contain a JUEL expression , that and the expression will be resolved. 

Example:${Person_FirstName} will become

If the JUEL Expression cannot be resolved, the expression will be printed to the URL.


Add translation to text

To field attributes that have the Image Removed symbolwith the translation icon, a translation can be added. For more information on supported languages, see Identity Manager requirements and interoperability.

  • To add a translation for an attribute, click on the Image Removed symboltranslation icon, select language, and type in the text.


Preview form

  • Click the PREVIEW button at the top to see how the form will appear in Identity Manager.






The type of form element is displayed here.
The following types are possible:
- Panel
- Field
- Structure Element, for example:

  • Group

    • Text Element

    • Horizontal Line

    • Line Spacing

    • Search Element

    • Variable Field

    • Link

- Predefined page, for example captureImage


Name of the form element. For the group, search element and variable field, the name can be given in more than one language.


Width of the panel as a fixed size or a percentage.


Height of the panel as a fixed size or a percentage.

Help Text

Multilingual help text for a group.

Data Pool

The field comes from this data pool.

Data Type

The data type of the variable field can be selected.


Column Span

Here you can enter how many columns a group or field is to cover.

Line Break

If this field is ticked, the field in the form is followed by a line break.


Width of the field as a fixed size or a percentage.


For binary data fields, the height of the field as a fixed size or a percentage.
For a horizontal line, the number of pixels of the line.


This multilingual text is displayed in the text element.

Font Size

The size of the font for the text element can be indicated.

Field Details

Data Type

The data type of the field is displayed here.
The following data types are possible:
- Text
- Date
- Binary Data

Help Text

Here you can enter any text that describes the field. The text can also be entered in more than one language by clicking on the symbol.

Edit Status

There are three options for Edit Status:

  • Editable – The value can be entered and changed

    • Read only – The value can only be viewed and cannot be changed

    • Invisible – This field is not visible in the form. It should contain an initialization value and cannot be edited.


If checked, this field must always contain a value.


If checked, the download functionality is enabled. This is only available for binary data fields.

Filename Pattern

Defines the pattern used for the downloaded filename. You can use this only when Download is checked. See table below.


If checked, the upload functionality is enabled. This is only available for binary data fields.


If checked, the delete functionality is enabled. This is only available for binary data fields.


The value entered in this field can be selected from a set of prescribed values.
The source of the selection values must be indicated.

Source of Selection Values

Fixed values can be entered here or a data pool with the selection values can be selected. Or values in a configuration template.

For example, to be able to configure Card SDK instances for printing of cards, chose Selection Type "Configuration Templates" and Template "Printers".

Initialization Value

The field is pre-initialized with the value entered here.
There are two options:
- Fix Value
- Generated Value (e.g. generate a random number)

Validation Rule

The value entered must comply with this validation rule.


The text field can contain several lines.

Password Field

This allows to specify display settings for secrets to protect their visibility on forms.

  • Not a password: The field is displayed as normal.

  • Display as hidden: The password is displayed as a sequence of asterisks.

  • Display as image: An image with the plain password is shown.

    • Display button "Show/hide password": Initially an image with asterisks is shown together with a Show/Hide button. Pressing the button switches between the initial image and an image showing the plain password.

Valid From/To

A validity period for date fields can be configured here. This is only available for date fields.
