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For secure communication between Smart ID Identity Manager (PRIME) service providers and the identity provider, such as Smart ID Digital Access component (Hybrid Access Gateway), SSL and SAML certificates are needed. 

This article describes how to create demo certificates or extract certificates for the following use cases: 

SSL server certificates for https communication:

  • For PRIME, SSL server certificate in PKCS#12 format. 
    • Exampleprime.local.p12
  • For Hybrid Access Gateway as identity provider, SSL server certificate and private key as PKCS#8 PEM files. 
    • Example: Certificate: hag.local.pemPrivate Key: hag.local.key.pem

SAML certificates for signing and encryption:

  • For PRIME, SAML certificate in PKCS#12 format. 
    Example: prime.saml.p12
  • For Hybrid Access Gateway as identity provider, SAML certificate and private key as PKCS#8 PEM files.
    Example:Certificate: hag.saml.pemPrivate Key: hag.saml.key.pem 

For more information on how to set up SAML, see Enable two-factor authentication to Identity Manager clients via SAML federation

SSL server certificates

For https communication, SSL server certificates are needed for PRIME and the identity provider. Follow the steps if you need to create (for demo use cases) or extract keys and certificates you got from a trusted PKI.

SSL server certificate for identity provider

 Create SSL server certificates for identity provider

For demo use cases, it is sufficient to create a self-signed certificate including private keys. 

Skip these steps if a real certificate exists.

Example - Create self-signed certificate for Hybrid Access Gateway:

  1. Use the java keytool command to create a self-signed certificate including private keys:

    Example: java keytool command
    keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore hag.local.jks -storepass <password> -validity 1080 -keysize 2048
  2. To use the server certificate with Hybrid Access Gateway, a key and certificate are required. Use the created jks container to transform to p12:

    Example: Transform to P12
    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore hag.local.jks -destkeystore hag.local.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias selfsigned -deststorepass <password> -destkeypass <password>
 Extract SSL server certificates for identity provider

Some identity providers, such as Hybrid Access Gateway, require the certificate and key in a separate file. Use the following commands if you want to extract them from the .p12 container.

Example - Extract certificate for Hybrid Access Gateway:

  1. Use the p12 to extract the certificate:

    Example: Extract certificate
    openssl pkcs12 -in hag.local.p12 -nokeys -out hag.local.pem
  2. Use the p12 to extract the key:

    Example: Extract key
    openssl pkcs12 -in hag.local.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out key.pem

SSL server certificate for PRIME

 Create SSL server certificates for PRIME

For demo use cases, it is sufficient to create a self-signed certificate including private keys.  

Skip these steps if a real certificate exists.

  1. Use the java keytool command to create a java keystore  (prime.local.jks) containing a key-pair with a corresponding self-signed certificate:

    Example: Create self-signed certificate for PRIME
    keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore prime.local.jks -storepass <password> -validity 1080 -keysize 2048 
  2. Use the created jks container to transform to p12:

    Example: Transform to P12
    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore prime.local.jks -destkeystore prime.local.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias selfsigned -deststorepass <password> -destkeypass <password> 

SAML certificates

For SAML, certificates for signing and encryption are needed for each service provider and for the identity provider. Follow the steps if you need to create (for demo use cases) or extract keys and certificates you got from a trusted PKI.

SAML certificate for identity provider

 Create SAML certificates for identity provider

For SAML, the identity provider needs a certificate for signing and encryption. 

For demo use cases, it is sufficient to create a self-signed certificate including private keys.

Skip these steps if a real certificate exists.

Example - Create SAML certificate for Hybrid Access Gateway:

  1. Use the java keytool command to create a self-signed certificate including private keys:

    Example: java keytool command
    keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore hag.saml.jks -storepass <password> -validity 1080 -keysize 2048 
  2. To use the SAML certificate with Hybrid Access Gateway, a key and certificate are required. Use the created jks container to transform to p12:

    Example: Transform to P12
    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore hag.saml.jks -destkeystore hag.saml.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias selfsigned -deststorepass <password> -destkeypass <password> 
 Extract SAML certificates for identity provider

Some identity providers, such as Hybrid Access Gateway, require the certificate and key in a separate file. Use the following commands if you want to extract them from the .p12 container.

Example - Extract SAML certificate for Hybrid Access Gateway:

  1. Use the p12 to extract the certificate:

    Example: Extract certificate
    openssl pkcs12 -in hag.saml.p12 -nokeys -out hag.saml.pem 
  2. Use the p12 to extract the key:

    Example: Extract key
    openssl pkcs12 -in hag.saml.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out hag.saml.key.pem 

SAML certificates for service providers 

 Create SAML certificates for PRIME

For SAML, each service provider (tfor example, PRIME Explorer and PRIME Self-Service) needs a certificate for signing and encryption.

For demo use cases, it is sufficient to create self-signed certificates including private keys. 

Skip these steps if real certificates exist.

To create a certificate for PRIME:

  1. Use the java keytool command to create a key store with a new private key entry:

    Example: java keytool command
    keytool -genkeypair -alias sp -keypass <password> -keystore samlKeystore.jks 

    In this example, sp is used as alias for keys and certificate of the PRIME SAML certificate.

  2. Transform the proprietary jks keystore to a .p12 file:

    Example: Transform to PKCS#12
    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore samlKeystore.jks -destkeystore samlKeystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias sp 
    -deststorepass <password> -destkeypass <password> 
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