Nexus' partners can have partner accounts in Nexus GO to manage multiple customer accounts. The partner account includes access to all the customer accounts (sub-customers) that belong to it.
With the partner account, you have the possibility to access features such as branding, price visibility, end-customer invoicing, and invoice reports.
Customize the look and feel by branding your content, for example by adding:
Hero image
Color theme
Card Management Portal URL
E-mail origin
Price visibility
Configure if the price for articles for each customer account should be visible or not.
The price displayed is the price that Nexus invoices. This is not possible to configure or adapt as a partner.
End-customer invoicing
Configure if you, as a partner, or Nexus should invoice the sub-customer directly.
Invoice reports
Generate reports for all your sub-customers. For more information, see Nexus GO Cards reporting > Invoice reports.