PRIME supports using the Cryptovision middleware to produce cards which can be unblocked offline, for example, through Windows.
To enable this functionality in the middleware, the following registry settings have to be imported into regedit:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\cv cryptovision\sc interface\pkcs11]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\cv cryptovision\sc interface\pkcs11]
The offline PIN unblocking (see Unblock PKI PIN - offline) is based on a shared secret (card manager key), that need to be available on the card and to the offline system, that allows an offline facility (Helpdesk Officer using Nexus PRIME) to support the card owner.
As the secret PRIME generates a 2DES key from which various other keys are then derived according to the Cryptovision specs.
Generate the card manager key
There's a predefined task for convenient creation of a correct key, see heading "Credentials: Create Minidriver Card Manager Key" in Credentials - Standard service tasks in Identity Manager.
Initialize the card
Define like this in the encoding description:
Verifying card production
Once a card is produced you can use the cv act sc/interface Manager tool of the Cryptovision middleware to verify if it was produced with offline unblocking support:
- card property Minidriver capable: yes
- Challenge Response key present in Logins
- Challenge Response key present in Secret Keys