This article is valid for Certificate Manager 8.4 and later. |
This article describes how to create a distribution rule used in the Certificate Authority (CA) within Smart ID Certificate Manager (CM). This task is done in the Administrator's workbench (AWB) in Certificate Manager.
Certificates and CRLs are distributed to public locations after being issued. Each distribution rule defines the parameters for a single type of data and a single destination.
There are two types of protocols. LDAP and HTTP:
The following prerequisites apply:
To create a distribution rule:
When the Unpublish option in the LDAP protocol section is selected, the Create Distribution Rule Request dialog box will update, by removing irrelevant options. An unpublished distribution rule only requires the path to the certificate attribute to remove, specified in the Distinguished Name field. Optionally, you can add or edit attributes during an 'unpublish' by specifying the Object class, Attribute and Update Policy sections.
When the HTTP protocol is selected, the Create Distribution Rule Request dialog box changes its appearance.
A distribution rule request contains a varying number of fields depending on which protocol is selected.
The distinguished name specifies the location in the directory information tree (DIT) where an object will be added or modified. The location of the object must either be specified as
The distinguished name and search filter can be made up of either static or dynamic values (refer to the "Distribution Rules and Dynamic Information" chapter in the Technical Description). A dynamic value is a keyword placed within curly brackets, { Syntax:
See the "Distribution Rules and Dynamic Information" chapter in the Technical Description for the full list of the dynamic data keys. |