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Smart ID Workforce modules overview

For a quick overview of the available modules for Smart ID Workforce modules, see below. The modules can be used stand-alone or in combination. 

Certificate management

Identity management

Access management

Certificate management

Identity management

Access management


Certificate management for enterprise use to replace Microsoft ADCS or any other CA or PKI platform. 

See for more information.


Visual ID and RFID card management, including basic PACS integration.

See for more information.

PKI token management including Mobile ID.

See for more information.

Physical access entitlement including full entitlement PACS integration. 

See for more information.

Two-factor authentication (2FA), single sign-on (SSO), and federation.

See for more information.


Cards and other credentials, such as keyfobs, mobile IDs and virtual smart cards. 

See for more information.

Related information

Installation recommendations

See Smart ID deployment recommendations for more information.


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