Supported versions of Smart ID components and Nexus products
Smart ID components and Nexus products are released as three types of upgrades:
Major Release
Minor Release
Updates for example service packs, patches, or bug fixes
For a period of 12 months after making available the current Major or Minor Release, the previous most recent Major or Minor Release will be supported too. After this time, Nexus shall have no further responsibility for supporting EOL releases, but may continue to do so in Nexus’s sole discretion.
This article lists the supported versions of Smart ID, Smart ID components and Nexus products.
For Smart ID 24.11 and later versions, see the supported versions of the Smart ID components listed in the sections below. For earlier packages, the supported versions are listed in the section “Supported versions of Nexus Smart ID”.
Supported versions of Nexus Smart ID
Supported versions of Smart ID Identity Manager
For supported versions of PRIME, contact Nexus support.