Upgrade Nexus Timestamp Server

Upgrade Nexus Timestamp Server

This article describes how to upgrade Nexus Timestamp Server both on Windows and on Linux.

Upgrade from Nexus Timestamp Server 2.2.1 to 2.3.2

Update libraries and files

Before upgrading, it is crucial that the Nexus Timestamp Server service is stopped. For more information, see Start and stop Nexus Timestamp Server.

  1. Run the file nexus-timestamp-installer-2.3.2.jar and follow the instructions.

  2. During the upgrade:

    1. On Windows
      The installer will automatically detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation from the Windows registry and upgrades your Nexus Timestamp Server files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default C:\Program Files\Nexus\Timestamp Server).

    2. On Linux
      The installer will only detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation if the selected install path already contains an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation. If detected, the installer will upgrade the files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default /usr/local/timestamp-server).

      1. Remove the timestamp-server service from /etc/init.d/:
        chkconfig --del timestamp-server
        rm /etc/init.d/timestamp-server
        systemctl daemon-reload

      2. Install timestamp-server in systemd as follows:
        sh <timestamp-server-install-dir>/bin/setup_services.sh install timestamp-server <youruser> <yourgroup>

      3. Run the following command to start the service:
        systemctl start timestamp-server

Upgrade from Nexus Timestamp Server 2.2.0 to 2.2.1

Update libraries and files

Before upgrading, it is crucial that the Nexus Timestamp Server service is stopped. For more information, see Start and stop Nexus Timestamp Server.

  1. Run the file nexus-timestamp-installer-2.2.1.jar and follow the instructions.

  2. During the upgrade:

    1. On Windows
      The installer will automatically detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation from the Windows registry and upgrades your Nexus Timestamp Server files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default C:\Program Files\Nexus\Timestamp Server).

    2. On Linux
      The installer will only detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation if the selected install path already contains an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation. If detected, the installer will upgrade the files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default /usr/local/timestamp-server).

  3. After the upgrade is complete you MUST re-configure the service user defined in <install>/bin/timestamp-server.conf by adding a line containing SERVICEUSER=theuser.

Upgrade from Nexus Timestamp Server 2.1 to 2.2.0

Update libraries and files

Before upgrading, it is crucial that the Nexus Timestamp Server service is stopped. For more information, see Start and stop Nexus Timestamp Server.

  1. Run the file nexus-timestamp-installer-2.2.0.jar and follow the instructions.

  2. During the upgrade:

    1. On Windows
      The installer will automatically detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation from the Windows registry and upgrades your Nexus Timestamp Server files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default C:\Program Files\Nexus\Timestamp Server).

    2. On Linux
      The installer will only detect an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation if the selected install path already contains an existing Nexus Timestamp Server installation. If detected, the installer will upgrade the files and libraries located in the <install> directory (default /usr/local/timestamp-server).

      After the upgrade is complete you MUST re-configure the service user defined in <install>/bin/timestamp-server.conf by adding a line containing SERVICEUSER=theuser.

Update configuration files

New functionality

New functionality in the configuration files is described in the release note. If you want to use the new functionality, you must manually update the configuration files.

The configuration files are located here:

  • On Windows: C:\ProgramData\Nexus\timestamp-server\conf

  • On Linux: /etc/timestamp-server

Mandatory updates

Do these mandatory updates in the configuration files:

  1. The java logging configuration has changed. If your logging.properties file is unchanged this is handled automatically by the upgrade process. Otherwise replace your logging.properties file with the new default configuration (see below) and adapt it to your preference:

    Configuration change for java logging

    # # configuration for logging # handlers = com.id2tech.logging.TimeRollingFileHandler # Dependencies should log on Warning .level = WARNING # Nexus classes should log on Info se.nexus.level = INFO com.id2tech.level = INFO com.nexussafe.level = INFO nano.audit.level= INFO com.id2tech.logging.TimeRollingFileHandler.pattern = %5$s/logs/%ty-%<tm-%<td/timestamp.log com.id2tech.logging.TimeRollingFileHandler.level = INFO com.id2tech.logging.TimeRollingFileHandler.formatter = com.id2tech.logging.OneLineMessageFormatFormatter #java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = com.id2tech.logging.OneLineMessageFormatFormatter #java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINEST
  2. Parameter change in timestamp.properties. If your timestamp.properties file is unchanged this is handled automatically. Otherwise do the following:

    1. Replace

      #include ./server-0/*-webapp.properties


      #include ./server-0/front-webapp.properties
    2. Replace


    3. If more #include parameters are present, do the same change for them.

Upgrade from Nexus Timestamp Server 2.0

  1. First follow the instructions in section ”Update configuration files” below, and then: 

  2. Continue with the instructions in section ”Upgrade from Nexus Timestamp Server 2.1 to 2.2.0” above.

Update configuration files

New functionality

New functionality in the configuration files is described in the release information in the upgrade folder for Nexus Timestamp Server 2.0. If you want to use the new functionality, you must manually update the configuration files.

The configuration files are located here: 

  • On Windows: C:\ProgramData\Nexus\timestamp-server\conf

  • On Linux: /etc/timestamp-server

Mandatory updates

Do these mandatory updates in the configuration files:

  1. Configuration change for ClockFilter, see Description of filters in Nexus Timestamp Server, heading "ClockFilter".

    1. Reason: changed name from GlobalClockFilter to ClockFilter.

    2. Change the line 'class=com.nexussafe.nano.filters.GlobalClockFilter' in service.properties, to:

      Configuration change for "ClockFilter"

  2. Configuration change for filter.OcspValidator, see see Description of filters in Nexus Timestamp Server, heading "validation.OCSPValidationFilter".

    1. Reason: changed 'ocsp.signRequest' parameter value for the OCSPValidator.

    2. If applicable, change the parameter value of 'ocsp.signRequest'  from 'yes/no' to 'true/false' in service.properties.

Upgrade from Nexus Timestamp Server 1.x to 2.2.0

Upgrade from 1.x to 2.2.0

It is not possible to upgrade a current Nexus Timestamp Server 1.x installation to Nexus Timestamp Server 2.2.0.

Instead do the following:

  1. Back up the configuration and logs for your Nexus Timestamp Server 1.x installation.

  2. Uninstall Nexus Timestamp Server 1.x.

  3. Install Nexus Timestamp Server 2.2.0 (see Install and upgrade Nexus Timestamp Server) and adapt the configuration. Configuration file names and parameters have changed.

Additional information


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Release note Nexus Timestamp Server 2.3.0
Release note Nexus Timestamp Server 2.3.0
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