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Set properties for Smart ID Self-Service

This article includes updates for Smart ID 23.04.19.

This article describes how to set properties for Smart ID Self-Service.


In this article, <SMARTIDHOME> refers to /home/nexus, but this can be different depending on the setup.

  1. Open this file for editing: <SMARTIDHOME>/docker/compose/selfservice/docker-compose.yml.

  2. Modify the environment variables (See table below for supported variables).
    The prime.baseUrl in APPLICATION_YAML by default uses the variables SMARTID_INGRESS_DOMAIN and IDM_OPERATOR_DOMAIN_PREFIX which you can set in <SMARTIDHOME>/docker/compose/smartid.env.

  3. Restart the Self-Service container.

Environment variable

Default value in SmartID package

Environment variable

Default value in SmartID package


{ "prime": { "baseUrl": "https://${IDM_OPERATOR_DOMAIN_PREFIX}.${SMARTID_INGRESS_DOMAIN}", "tenantId": 1, "instanceId": "selfservice_default_instance" } }


{ "languages": { "supportedLanguages": [ "en" ], "defaultLanguage": "en" }, "theme": "default", "application": { "applicationPt1": "Smart ID", "applicationPt2": "Self-Service", "footer": { "lines": [ { "content": "Copyright &copy; 2011-${currentYear} <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Technology Nexus Secured Business Solutions AB</a>", "html": true, "visible": "loginPage" } ] } }, "openTasks": { "enabled": true }, "imageCropper": { "selectorVisible": true, "ratio": "input" }, "quickSearch": { "enabled": true }, "userPassword": { "enabled": true }, "saml": { "enabled": true, "enforced": false }, "clientCert": { "enabled": true, "httpsPort": "8444" } }

The httpsPort depends on the server configuration. This configuration is done in the server.xml file.

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