Set up readers and encoders

Set up readers and encoders

This article describes how to add readers and/or encoders to your ID card system and configure them with Configuration Manager for Nexus Card SDK.

Multiple device types can be used to read and encode ID cards. A distinction is made between:

  • encoders which are only suitable for encoding (writing)
  • readers which are only suitable for reading and
  • encoders which are suitable for both encoding and reading.

Also multiple encoding types are supported, for example the following. For a complete list, see Card SDK requirements and interoperability

  • LEGIC Encoding
  • HITAG Encoding
  • MIFARE Encoding, for example DESFire EV1/EV2

For more information on how to set up encodings for card types, see documentation about Define card type.

The number and type of supported encodings or encoders is determined by your ID card system’s range of functions. In principle, several encoding types and devices can be used simultaneously. The number of encoding devices that can be connected is only limited by the number of available interfaces.

You can define different settings and properties for the device configurations. The basic procedure for selecting, configuring and editing a configuration is always the same, independent of the type of encoding.

The examples in this section illustrates how to configure a device for Proximity (LEGIC) encoding.

Step-by-step instructions

 Start the Configuration Manager
  1. Start the Configuration Manager for Card SDK from the Start menu in Windows.
 Create device configuration
  1. In Configuration Manager, open the LEGIC Encoding property. The Legic: Device Setup dialog box opens.
  2. Click New... to add and configure a new device. The Legic: Select Device dialog box opens and shows all currently supported devices.

  3. Select the appropriate encoder or reader or, if you want to configure a printer featuring integrated encoding, select a printer. Click OK.

    1. If you have selected one of the printers, also select the integrated reader or encoder from the dialog box that opens and click OK.
      • Depending on your selection, an other dialog box may open. In this dialog box, select the encoding position (right or left) that is suitable for your printer or encoder and click OK. The Encoder Configuration dialog box opens.
    2. If you have selected an encoder or a reader in step 3, the Encoder Configuration dialog box opens.
      • Click Settings... to show the interface configuration settings.
      • On the General tab (only available for LEGIC encoding) you configure the so-called timeout for LEGIC master cards, and select if all masters in the reader shall be deleted when starting the application. The latter setting is used especially when using multiple different master cards (typically with service providers for card production).
      • On the Port tab you can change the interface settings. Make the changes you want, and click OK to go back to the Encoder Configuration dialog box.

        In most cases, the default setting is best. Therefore, changes to these settings should only be made in exceptional circumstances.

      • The Test button can be used to test the proper functioning of the device with the selected port. Depending on the device type you are using, a message appears informing you that the test was successful, or you are prompted to put a card onto the device. Click Cancel to stop the test.

 Edit device configuration
  1. In Configuration Manager, the current device configuration is shown in the Value / Setting column for the LEGIC Encoding property.
  2. Open the LEGIC Encoding property. The Legic: Device Setup dialog box opens.
  3. The following settings are available:

    Edit...Click Edit... to change existing device configurations. The Encoder Configuration dialog box opens.

    Edit and test the settings of the selected configuration. Click OK to go back to the Legic: Device Setup dialog box.

    DeleteClick Delete to remove the selected item from the list of existing configurations.
 Set a default reader/default encoder
  1. In Configuration Manager, the current device configuration is shown in the Value / Setting column for the LEGIC Encoding property.
  2. Open the LEGIC Encoding property. The Legic: Device Setup dialog box opens.
  3. Select an encoder/reader.
  4. Click Default Reader to set the currently selected device as the default reader. This setting is indicated by a check mark next to the device in the Default Reader column.
    All the cards to which no specific reader has been assigned in CardDesigner will be read or tested by this default device. Cards to which a specific reader has been assigned will continue to be read or tested by the assigned device. In this case, the Default Reader option will have no effect.
  5. Click Default Reader to set the currently selected device as the default encoder. This setting is indicated by a check mark next to the device in the Default Encoder column.
    All the cards to which no specific encoder has been assigned in CardDesigner will be encoded by this default encoder. Cards to which a specific encoder has been assigned will continue to be read or tested by the assigned device. In this case, the Default Encoder option will have no effect.

If more than one device has been defined, but none of them has been set as the default reader or encoder, then you will be prompted to select the required device when encoding or reading cards to which a default device has been assigned. A selection menu with the available devices will appear, allowing you to choose the device you wish to use for reading or encoding on a case by case basis.

Additional information

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