Identity Manager Process REST API
Karolin Hemmingsson (Unlicensed)
Josefin Klang (Deactivated)
Ylva Andersson
Ann Base (Deactivated)
This article includes updates for Smart ID 23.04.
This article describes the Identity Manager Process REST API which can be used to control processes in Smart ID Identity Manager.
The API provides a simple RESTful interface for starting and proceeding processes and for exchanging data with it. The Identity Manager Process REST API is part of the Identity Manager main application and will be available automatically after starting the server that hosts the application.
Use the Identity Manager Process REST API
See the following topics for more information on how to use the Identity Manager Process REST API:
The REST API is secured by default. Therefore it is not possible for intruders to access data and functionality of the REST interface. The default configuration uses our internal authentication profile to authenticate the user and to perform the authorization.
By default, the HTTP Basic Authentication is used. The client calling our service is responsible to fill the Authorization Header of the HTTP request.
Never use the HTTP Basic Authentication without securing the communication channel using SSL, so make sure you access the server using HTTPS.
To configure the authentication process and the security settings, see the Spring Security filter settings in the security-beans.xml.
The root context is the base context for all webservice requests. Specific requests must construct a path consisting of this base context plus the specific functionality.
context | URL |
context | URL |
root context with https | [root_context] = https://[host]:[port]/[application_name]/ws |
process interface | [root_context]/processes/ |
task interface | [root_context]/tasks/ |
tenant selection |
Depending on the configuration of your server and authorization mechanism, the protocol can be HTTP or HTTPS. For more information, see the previous section.
Make sure you specify the right port for your application server.
To select the tenant id, append the tenant id to the URL, that is, the primary key of the tenant in the database:
Example: Start process with tenant selection
By default, no secrets are resolved when querying for example the data map of a certain process step.
If the user which calls the REST API has the EXECUTION permission api.resolveSecrets
, which can be defined in the designer, then secrets are resolved. The field is the same as the one which would contain the UUID
of the secretFieldStore
, for example Person_PasswordRef
To run a command on a specific task, you will need a taskId
To find the taskId
, look up the value of the id
attribute of the specific process in the BPMN 2.0 process definition, in the file process.xml.
Or, if you rather want to get the information from the database, look into the table ACT_RU_TASK in the column Task_Def_Key_. Don´t use ID_.
Putting variables into the process is possible when starting the process or executing a task by sending an XML snippet to the endpoints respectively. See section "Controlling the execution flow of a process" for more information.
To check if the the REST endpoints of Identity Manager Operator are set up correctly and the services are available, use the following URL:
Response: true or false in response body
Available commands
Starts the process defined by processDefinitionKey
where processDefinitionKey
is the ID of the BPMN process.
Content type
Header parameters
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Authorization | To pass authentication information to the server, we use the HTTP basic authentication. The authorization information is passed as HTTP header parameter in the form username:password Base64 encoded (admin:admin in the following example): Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= | Required |
Accept-Language | If the exception which can occur on the server is translatable you can determine the output language of the exception message with this parameter: Accept-Language: en | Optional |
Accept | If the Accept header is not provided, the system is using the default value as “application/xml”. If you set the header as “application/json”, you will receive a JSON format response. Accept: application/json | Optional |
Request parameters
Multiple Request Parameters can be concatenated with "&"
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
?searchConfigName=myName | This query parameter identifies the search configuration for searching for one core object. | Optional |
?tenantId=myTenant | This query parameter identifies the tenant for which the process should be started. This information is also used to authenticate the user (depending on the authorization mechanism). | Required |
?requiredUserTask=myTask | This query parameter identifies a user task task has to be present in the given top-level process for the process to be started. | Optional |
The request body can be used to fill the data map for the process which shall be started. The form should be like:
<field name="BaseDpEmployee_FirstName">Max</field>
<field name="BaseDpEmployee_LastName" type="STRING">Muster</field>
<field name="BaseDbEmployee_Photo" type="BYTES">{base64EncodedPhoto}</field>
<field name="BaseDbEmployee_BirthDate" type="DATE">2001-10-25T00:00:00+02:00</field>
Possible response codes:
Status Code | Description |
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request: see RestError in response body for details |
401 | Unauthorized: no valid authentication provided |
403 | Forbidden: the user does not have the permissions to execute/acccess the user task |
500 | Internal Server Error: see RestError in response body for details |
Example responses
XML format
Example: Error response with http status code 400
process definition [myProcess] with required user-task [myTask] does not exist
Example: Error response with http status code 500
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>No core template with name "null" was found.</message>
Example: Successful response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<process instanceId="4711"/>
JSON format
Example: Error response with http status code 500 – JSON format
"message": "Process \"\"' not found."
Example: Successful response – JSON format
"data": null,
"instanceId": "4711"
Executes a task for a process instance. The process instance for which the task should be executed is given by the passed processInstanceId. The task to execute is given by the passed task id.
To find the task id, look up the id of the task in the BPMN 2.0 process definition.
Content type
Header parameters
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Authorization | To pass authentication information to the server, we use the HTTP basic authentication. The authorization information is passed as HTTP header parameter in the form username:password Base64 encoded (admin:admin in the following example): Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= | Required |
Accept-Language | If the exception which can occur on the server is translatable you can determine the output language of the exception message with this parameter: Accept-Language: en | Optional |
Accept | If the Accept header is not provided, the system is using the default value as “application/xml”. If you set the header as “application/json”, you will receive a JSON format response. Accept: application/json | Optional |
Possible response codes:
Status Code | Description |
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request: see RestError in response body for details |
401 | Unauthorized: no valid authentication provided |
403 | Forbidden: the user does not have the permissions to execute/acccess the user task |
500 | Internal Server Error: see RestError in response body for details |
Example responses
XML format
Example: Error response with http status code 500
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>No core template with name "null" was found.</message>
Example: Successful response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<process instanceId="4711"/>
JSON format
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 500 – JSON format
"message": "No core template with name \"null\" was found."
Example: Successful response – JSON format
"data": null,
"instanceId": "4711"
Obtains the data map a the start of a task for a given process instance. The process instance is given by the parameter processInstanceId
. The task which data has to be obtained is given by the passed taskId
Header parameters
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Authorization | To pass authentication information to the server, we use the HTTP basic authentication. The authorization information is passed as HTTP header parameter in the form username:password Base64 encoded (admin:admin in the following example): Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= | Required |
Accept-Language | If the exception which can occur on the server is translatable you can determine the output language of the exception message with this parameter: Accept-Language: en | Optional |
Accept | If the Accept header is not provided, the system is using the default value as “application/xml”. If you set the header as “application/json”, you will receive a JSON format response. Accept: application/json | Optional |
Example responses
XML format
Example: Successful response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<field name="Person_Email"></field>
<field name="Person_FirstName">Max</field>
<field name="Person_Id">5678</field>
<field name="Person_LastName">Muster</field>
<field name="Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person">Person</field>
<field name="Person_PersonnelNumber">123456</field>
JSON format
Example: Successful response – JSON format
"field": [
"value": "",
"name": "Person_Email",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": ""
"value": "Max",
"name": "Person_FirstName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Max"
"value": "5678",
"name": "Person_Id",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "5678"
"value": "Muster",
"name": "Person_LastName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Muster"
"value": "Person",
"name": "Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Person"
"value": "123456",
"name": "Person_PersonnelNumber",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "123456"
This command will start a process. The process is expected to reach a user task without further interaction. Also,the user task is intended merely as a waiting point and must not make any changes. The command will try to fetch the process data before the user task and then execute the user task (like clicking "Next").
where processDefinitionKey
is the ID of the BPMN process and taskId
is the ID of the user task at which to get the data and which to execute.
To find the task id, look up the id of the task in the BPMN 2.0 process definition.
Content type
Header parameters
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Authorization | To pass authentication information to the server, we use the HTTP basic authentication. The authorization information is passed as HTTP header parameter in the form username:password Base64 encoded (admin:admin in the following example): Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= | Required |
Accept-Language | If the exception which can occur on the server is translatable you can determine the output language of the exception message with this parameter: Accept-Language: en | Optional |
Accept | If the Accept header is not provided, the system is using the default value as “application/xml”. If you set the header as “application/json”, you will receive a JSON format response. Accept: application/json | Optional |
Request parameters
Multiple Request Parameters can be concatenated with "&"
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
?searchConfigName=myName | This query parameter identifies the search configuration for searching for one core object. | Optional |
?tenantId=myTenant | This query parameter identifies the tenant for which the process should be started. This information is also used to authenticate the user (depending on the authorization mechanism). | Required |
?maxAttempts=10 | This query parameter defines how often to poll for data at the given task before giving up. Minimum value: 1 | Required |
?interval=5000 | This query parameter defines the polling interval in msec. Minimum value: 100 | Required |
The request body can be used to fill the data map for the process which shall be started. The form should be like:
<field name="BaseDpEmployee_FirstName">Max</field>
<field name="BaseDpEmployee_LastName" type="STRING">Muster</field>
<field name="BaseDbEmployee_Photo" type="BYTES">{base64EncodedPhoto}</field>
<field name="BaseDbEmployee_BirthDate" type="DATE">2001-10-25T00:00:00+02:00</field>
Possible response codes:
Status Code | Description |
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request: see RestError in response body for details |
401 | Unauthorized: no valid authentication provided |
403 | Forbidden: the user does not have the permissions to execute/acccess the user task |
500 | Internal Server Error: see RestError in response body for details |
Example responses
XML format
Example: Error response with http status code 400
process definition [myProcess] with user-task [myTask] does not exist
Example: Error response with http status code 400
maxAttempts must be at least 1
Example: Error response with http status code 500
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>All [10] data fetch attempts attempts with interval [5000]msec for task [myTask] of process [myProcessDefinition] failed. Process instance[4711] might be stuck!</message>
Example: Error response with http status code 500
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>No core template with name "null" was found.</message>
Example: Error response with http status code 500 (data fetched, but task execution failed)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- note the additional field "RestError" compared to a successful response -->
<field name="RestError">some error happened trying to execute the task</field>
<field name="Person_Email"></field>
<field name="Person_FirstName">Max</field>
<field name="Person_Id">5678</field>
<field name="Person_LastName">Muster</field>
<field name="Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person">Person</field>
<field name="Person_PersonnelNumber">123456</field>
Example: Successful response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<field name="Person_Email"></field>
<field name="Person_FirstName">Max</field>
<field name="Person_Id">5678</field>
<field name="Person_LastName">Muster</field>
<field name="Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person">Person</field>
<field name="Person_PersonnelNumber">123456</field>
JSON format
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 400 – JSON format
process definition [myProcess] with user-task [myTask] does not exist
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 400 – JSON format
maxAttempts must be at least 1
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 500 – JSON format
"message": "All [10] data fetch attempts attempts with interval [5000]msec for task [myTask] of process [myProcessDefinition] failed. Process instance[4711] might be stuck!"
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 500 – JSON format
"message": "No core template with name \"null\" was found."
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 500 (data fetched, but task execution failed) – JSON format
"field": [
"value": "some error happened trying to execute the task",
"name": RestError",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "some error happened trying to execute the task"
"value": "",
"name": "Person_Email",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": ""
"value": "Max",
"name": "Person_FirstName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Max"
"value": "5678",
"name": "Person_Id",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "5678"
"value": "Muster",
"name": "Person_LastName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Muster"
"value": "Person",
"name": "Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Person"
"value": "123456",
"name": "Person_PersonnelNumber",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "123456"
Example: Successful response – JSON format
"field": [
"value": "",
"name": "Person_Email",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": ""
"value": "Max",
"name": "Person_FirstName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Max"
"value": "5678",
"name": "Person_Id",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "5678"
"value": "Muster",
"name": "Person_LastName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Muster"
"value": "Person",
"name": "Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Person"
"value": "123456",
"name": "Person_PersonnelNumber",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "123456"
Obtains the data map at the start of a task for a given process instance. If data could be obtained, the task will then be executed (like clicking "Next"). The process instance is given by the parameter processInstanceId
. The task which data has to be obtained is given by the passed taskId
Header parameters
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Parameter | Description | Required or Optional |
Authorization | To pass authentication information to the server, we use the HTTP basic authentication. The authorization information is passed as HTTP header parameter in the form username:password Base64 encoded (admin:admin in the following example): Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= | Required |
Accept-Language | If the exception which can occur on the server is translatable you can determine the output language of the exception message with this parameter: Accept-Language: en | Optional |
Accept | If the Accept header is not provided, the system is using the default value as “application/xml”. If you set the header as “application/json”, you will receive a JSON format response. Accept: application/json | Optional |
If no data is available, you get the following status code:
Status Code | Description |
Status Code | Description |
204 | No Content |
Possible response codes:
Status Code | Description |
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request: see RestError in response body for details |
401 | Unauthorized: no valid authentication provided |
403 | Forbidden: the user does not have the permissions to execute/acccess the user task |
500 | Internal Server Error: see RestError in response body for details |
Example responses
XML format
Example: Error response with http status code 400
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>Task with id '[myTask]' not found for process with id '[instanceId]'.</message>
Example: Error response with http status code 500 (data fetched, but task execution failed)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- note the additional field "RestError" compared to a successful response -->
<field name="RestError>some error happened trying to execute the task</field>
<field name="Person_Email"></field>
<field name="Person_FirstName">Max</field>
<field name="Person_Id">5678</field>
<field name="Person_LastName">Muster</field>
<field name="Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person">Person</field>
<field name="Person_PersonnelNumber">123456</field>
Example: Successful response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<field name="Person_Email"></field>
<field name="Person_FirstName">Max</field>
<field name="Person_Id">5678</field>
<field name="Person_LastName">Muster</field>
<field name="Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person">Person</field>
<field name="Person_PersonnelNumber">123456</field>
JSON format
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 400 – JSON format
"message": "Task with id '[myTask]' not found for process with id [instanceId]'."
Example: Error response with HTTP status code 500 (data fetched, but task execution failed) – JSON format
"field": [
"value": "some error happened trying to execute the task",
"name": RestError",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "some error happened trying to execute the task"
"value": "",
"name": "Person_Email",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": ""
"value": "Max",
"name": "Person_FirstName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Max"
"value": "5678",
"name": "Person_Id",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "5678"
"value": "Muster",
"name": "Person_LastName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Muster"
"value": "Person",
"name": "Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Person"
"value": "123456",
"name": "Person_PersonnelNumber",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "123456"
Example: Successful response – JSON format
"field": [
"value": "",
"name": "Person_Email",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": ""
"value": "Max",
"name": "Person_FirstName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Max"
"value": "5678",
"name": "Person_Id",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "5678"
"value": "Muster",
"name": "Person_LastName",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Muster"
"value": "Person",
"name": "Meta_CoreTemplateName_Person",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "Person"
"value": "123456",
"name": "Person_PersonnelNumber",
"type": "STRING",
"valueObject": "123456"
Use the Execute task endpoint of the REST API to complete the user task (open task) and control the flow of the process.
Executing a process via the public REST interface behaves as follows when the process encounters a user task:
The process stops and waits for further input
The API user must provide the form data as payload of an http request to the exec endpoint
The process continues its execution regardless of any button that is associated to the form/user task
In order to influence the execution path of the process (for example at gateways), you can also set the values of the flow variables in the payload
Example: Simulate a click on the Next button
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<field name="Person_FirstName" type="STRING">Bernhard</field>
<field name="Person_LastName" type="STRING">Adam</field>
<field name="action" type="STRING">true</field>
The action variable must be true.
Example: Simulate a click on the Next button (set as default flow)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<field name="Person_FirstName" type="STRING">Bernhard</field>
<field name="Person_LastName" type="STRING">Adam</field>
The action variable is not required here.
Example: Simulate a click on the Cancel button
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<field name="Person_FirstName" type="STRING">Bernhard</field>
<field name="Person_LastName" type="STRING">Adam</field>
<field name="action" type="STRING">false</field>
The action variable must be false.
The first two examples (simulating a click on the NEXT button) are alternatives.
As soon as a gateway uses a variable in its condition and there is no flow marked as default, then the variable must be set and send to the endpoint. Otherwise you get an error response.
You can not add variables to the 'Obtain task data and execute task' endpoint even though it is POST request. But you may send variables to the process when starting it.
The button function CANCEL is not supported. Executing an open user task through the REST API will always continue with the button function NEXT.
Supported field types
There are three possible values for the type attribute of a field:
Type | Default | Description |
Type | Default | Description |
STRING | For UTF-8 strings. | |
BYTES | For binary values, given as base64. When passing CSRs, certificates and the like, always set the pure base64 value. | |
DATE | For date values, given in the format %Y-%M-%DT%h:%m:%s%z Example:2001-10-25T00:00:00+02:00 |
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