Initial configuration of Smart ID Identity Manager (docker)

Initial configuration of Smart ID Identity Manager (docker)

This article is valid for Smart ID 21.04 and later.

This article describes initial configuration for Smart ID Identity Manager docker installation. For Identity Manager legacy systems (WAR deployment), see Initial configuration of Identity Manager (WAR file).


In this article, <SMARTIDHOME> refers to /home/nexus, but this can be different depending on the setup.




If a license file has not yet been uploaded, you get a message asking you to do so:

  1. Click Choose file.

  2. Browse for the Identity Manager Admin license file in <delivery folder>\Server\3-licences\. Click Open to view the license details.

  3. Click Save.


If you have a ready, customer-specific configuration file in .zip format, you can now upload it.

  1. In Identity Manager Admin, go to the Configuration File tab.

  2. Click Upload configuration and then Select file.

  3. Browse for the provided configuration .zip file and then click Open. The configuration is read and checked for syntax. The contents of the configuration are displayed in the popup.

  4. Start the import by clicking Upload. When the upload is completed, close the window with Close.

The configuration file has now been uploaded.


To create users with administrative rights, follow the instruction below. Several people can be registered as administrators. It is of course important that passwords are kept secret. When you create users for administration it is necessary to allow the created administrators to see the Configuration File tab. Otherwise it is not possible for them to upload any configuration.

For each user:

  1. Go to Home > User Administration.
    If you have uploaded a configuration, all the users defined in that configuration are now displayed.

  2. Click +New. Enter a User Name, Password, and Full user name.

  3. Click Save + Edit. A view is displayed, that shows the available roles on the left.

  4. Select Administrator on the left. Click the right arrow button to add the Administrator role to the new user.

  5. Select the Permissions tab and then the General tab.

  6. Check Configuration File. This is necessary to allow the created administrators to upload configurations.

  7. Click Save, and close the form.

    The new users will now appear in the User Administration panel.

If only one person or a few persons have administrator rights, then absence, a forgotten password or lost login credentials can lead to administrators being locked out. To avoid this, the login name and credential of an emergency administrator can be stored in a secure place to only be accessed through emergency procedures.

The procedures for managing this emergency login should be defined in the IT security policy of your organization. The double verification principle should be applied, so that no single person can log in themselves with the emergency login.



Before you can delete the bootstrap administrator, you must do this update in 'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES' section inside docker-compose.yml.

  1. Update the following rows:

    "cronUsername": "NEW_ADMIN_USER" "cronPassword": "NEW_ADMIN_PW" "cronTenantId": "TENANT_ID"
  2. Restart the operator docker container.

To encrypt the fields in the generated system.properties file inside the docker container, the scramble feature may be used. See Scramble sensitive data in Identity Manager files for more information.

This will not scramble the sensitive data inside docker-compose.yml. There is no mechanism yet to encrypt the data in that file. As a workaround, the sensitive fields may be inserted in docker-compose.yml already scrambled.


WARNING: Please make sure you have created another administrative user!

  1. Go to Home > User Administration.

  2. Select the bootstrap administrator, admin.

  3. Click Delete and confirm the deletion with Yes.
    The bootstrap administrator is now deleted, and only the administrators you have created can log in to Identity Manager Admin. When the configuration has also been uploaded to the Identity Manager Operator, the same is also valid there.

    The customization of the application is now complete and Identity Manager is ready for operation.


If you use client authentication to log in to Identity Manager or Smart ID Self-Service, such as browser-based smart card or soft token login, do the following to avoid failure of CA connector calls during card production with Identity Manager and CardSDK:

  1. Open docker-compose.yml for editing.

  2. Specify https ports without client authentication for CA connector calls and JPKIEncoder downloads by CardSDK.

    Add the following lines inside the  'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES' section (use the correct ports):

    "webappUrlInfo.httpsOverridePort":"8443", "webServer.httpsOverridePort":"18443"

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