Policies used in Nexus Timestamp Server
This article includes updates for Nexus Timestamp Server 2.3.0.
This article describes how to configure a policy in a timestamp service in Nexus Timestamp Server.
A policy defines rules to select how to process the timestamp request.
A policy is the concept used for mapping timestamp requests to filter chains. Mapping is the task of matching request parameters (real or derived) with attributes of the policy. The policy mapper can match any parameter in the context using regular expressions.
Configure policies
Open the service.properties configuration file.
Set the applicable parameters, described in this table:
Name of parameter | Description |
name | A unique name of a policy. |
match.type | Has to be Create Timestamp. |
chain | A unique name of a filter chain. |
Example: Policy for a timestamp service
Policies shall be written in sections and there is only one policy needed for a timestamp service as defined below:
match.type=Create Timestamp
Example: Policy for an Authenticode timestamp service
match.type=Create Authenticode Timestamp
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