About smart cards

About smart cards

By using PKI chip cards with certificates, users can log in to computers without a password, sign documents digitally and access local and cloud resources. 

Smart cards helps users with a high-security, all-in-one solution by combining PKI certificates with RFID technology and visual identity on one card. 

If you order cards as a service from Nexus GO, you get customized and personalized PKI cards, encoded and ready to use, with the right security level for your organization. Then, Nexus provides and maintains the PKI infrastructure.

The PKI certificates on the card chip can be used for two-factor authentication, passwordless login to Windows, digital signing and encryption.

How does it work?

Combine the following components to suit your organizations special requirements:

  • Visual identity
    Get your cards customized with a company logo and color scheme and personalized with a photo and personal data.

  • PKI chip
    Use certificates for two-factor authentication, passwordless login to Windows, digital signing and encryption.

  • RFID technology 
    Choose one or combine two of the most common RFID (Radio-frequency identification) technologies on high-quality cards with the original RFID chip.

  • Visual security elements 
    Add security elements to ensure that your photo ID cards are hard to forge. 


  • Keys are created and stored on the secure PKI chip of the card


  • All-in-one solution for visual ID, physical access, strong authentication, signing and encryption

  • Use one card on multiple computers

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