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Install Personal Desktop Client on macOS

This article describes how to install Nexus Personal Desktop Client on macOS.

Personal Desktop Client is distributed via a so called disk image file (.dmg), which is opened automatically after downloading into, for example, Safari or Mozilla.

Step-by-step instructions

Install Personal Desktop Client on macOS

To install Personal Desktop Client on macOS:

  1. Drag and drop to the hard drive, for example, to the desktop or to a location under /Applications.

  2. The installation will be completed when Personal Desktop Client is started the first time. A few messages will be displayed and the user will be informed when the disk image file is opened.

Results after installation

The following actions are done during the installation:

  • The PKCS#11 module, tokenapi.framework, is installed in the browser.

  • A folder to store Internal Store is created under ~/Library/Application Support/

  • Temporary files are stored under ~/Library/Caches/

  • Personal Desktop Client has Crypto Token Kit support

Configuration file

When Personal Desktop Client is started for the first time a private configuration file is created. The location for the private configuration file is normally ~/Library/Preferences/

Sample configuration file

You can download a sample configuration file that includes all available options, see .

Uninstall Personal Desktop Client on macOS

Select Uninstall from the Application menu. The following files are deleted:

  • ~/Library/Preferences/

  • ~/Library/Caches/

Additional information

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