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Enable Process Tracker in Smart ID Identity Manager

This article includes updates for Smart ID 23.04.18 and 23.10.6.

This article describes how to enable the Process Tracker in Smart ID Identity Manager.

During the configuration phase it could be very helpful to obtain detailed logging information about the process execution. The ProcessExecutionTracker writes all variables of the process map before and after each task to the log file. 

Settings for the system properties

  • For docker: SYSTEM_PROPERTIES section (inside docker-compose.yml)

  • For WAR file deployment: file

Whenever referring to the SYSTEM_PROPERTIES section (inside docker-compose.yml) for a docker environment, the same applies for for a non-docker environment.

Enable ProcessExecutionTracker

To enable Process Tracker for docker, do the following:

  1. Open docker-compose.yml of Identity Manager Operator.

  2. Add the following parameter to "SYSTEM_PROPERTIES":

    "processExecutionTracker.enabled" : true

For WAR file deployment, do the following to enable Process Tracker:

  1. Open

  2. Add this property and set it to true:


Restrict output to specific types

To restrict the Process Tracker output to specific types of tasks, do the following:

  1. Open docker-compose.yml of Identity Manager Operator.

  2. Add the following parameter to "SYSTEM_PROPERTIES":

    "processExecutionTracker.trackedTaskTypes" : "USER_TASK, SCRIPT_TASK"


Possible options:

  • ALL : the process tracker’s output will not be restricted in any way.

  • NONE : the process tracker’s output will be restricted to only start/end events of the process (including child processes).

  • One or more of these values, separated by comma:






Additional information:

  • Not adding the parameter at all has the same effect as using ALL.

  • Adding the parameter and leaving the value empty has the same effect as using NONE.

Enable logging

Enable the logging in your log4j2.xml by adding or uncommenting the following logger:


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