Upload document to Nexus GO Signing portal
This article describes how to upload a document and create a signing request in the Signing portal.
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Upload document to Signing portal
Click the user icon on the top right, and then Open Admin Portal.
Create a signing request:
To create a new request without prefilled settings, click New Request.
To reuse Settings and Recipients from a previous request:
In the list of All requests, select the request to use as template.
Click + Create a new request based on this.
Add one or more PDF documents to the request, by drag-and-drop or browsing. Click Next.
Enter Request name, Description, default Signing method, and Sign before date. Click Next.
Available signing methods are Personal Mobile (Smart ID Mobile App), Swedish BankID, or an identity provider (IDP), if configured.Add one or more recipients:
Enter Full name and Email address.
If the identity provider uses the userId attribute, such as a personal identity number (personnummer, in Swedish), enter that.
If needed, select another Signing method than the default.
Click the + sign to add the person to the request.
If you want to send the request to the signers in a certain order, set Custom signing order to on, and then define the order:
To move a signer up or down in the list, drag-and-drop it to position.
To send the request to several signers at the same time, enter a number in the input field.
Example: If all signers shall sign in no particular order but before the manager, set them all to number 1, and the manager to number 2.
Click Send Request.
The request is submitted.
The recipients get a notification email to sign the document. If they are new users and if Personal Mobile was chosen as Signing Method, the email includes instructions how to download and activate Smart ID Mobile App.
An automatic reminder is sent to signers that have not signed, when 75% of the time has passed. No reminder is sent if the Sign before date is less than four days from creation.
If a user rejects the document, you get a notification including the comment from the signer.
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