Upgrade Identity Manager

Upgrade Identity Manager

This article describes how to upgrade PRIME. To read about how to upgrade Smart ID Identity Manager, see Upgrade Smart ID.

If an existing Smart ID Identity Manager System is being updated, re-installation of the Tomcat server (or another application server) is not usually necessary.

Only the .war files, which contain the actual program files of the program package, are replaced or installed over the existing files.

Step-by-step instruction

To create a backup:

  1. Go to the webapps folder in the Tomcat installation directory, for example:
    C:/Program Files/nexus-PRIME-tomcat7/webapps/

  2. Back up files and folders:

    1. Back up all subfolders, in case something interrupts the installation.

    2. Make individual backups of the following configuration files:
      ā–Ŗ database.properties
      ā–Ŗ system.properties
      ā–Ŗ log4j.xml
      from each of the following subfolders:
      ā–Ŗ prime_designer\WEB-INF\classes\
      ā–Ŗ prime_explorer\WEB-INF\classes\
      ā–Ŗ prime_tenant\WEB-INF\classes\

    3. For PRIME Self-Service, backup the following locations:
      ā–Ŗ ussp\WEB-INF\config.xml
      ā–Ŗ ussp\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.xml
      ā–Ŗ ussp\branding

    4. Make individual backup of any custom beans in the following folder:
      ā–Ŗ prime_explorer\WEB-INF\classes\spring

To replace the .war files:

  1. Stop the Tomcat service.

  2. Delete the following subfolders:
    ā–Ŗ prime_designer
    ā–Ŗ prime_explorer
    ā–Ŗ prime_tenant
    ā–Ŗ ussp

  3. Copy all the provided .war files into the webapps subfolder of the Tomcat installation directory:
    ā–Ŗ prime_designer.war
    ā–Ŗ prime_explorer.war
    ā–Ŗ prime_tenant.war
    ā–Ŗ ussp.war
    ā–Ŗ plus any other provided .war file

  4. Open the Tomcat properties via the Tomcat Icon in that System Tray or in the Windows Services.

  5. In the General tab, verify the information and set Startup type to Automatic. Click Start.

    The Tomcat server is started and unzips the .war files into the new folders:
    ā–Ŗ prime_designer
    ā–Ŗ prime_explorer
    ā–Ŗ prime_tenant
    ā–Ŗ ussp

    This process usually takes a few minutes.

Restore the configuration files from the backup:

  1. Copy the following configuration files from the backup:
    ā–Ŗ database.properties
    ā–Ŗ system.properties
    ā–Ŗ log4j.xml
    to the following subfolders:
    ā–Ŗ prime_designer\Web-inf\classes\
    ā–Ŗ prime_explorer\Web-inf\classes\
    ā–Ŗ prime_tenant\Web-inf\classes\

  2. Copy the following configuration files for PRIME Self-Service from the backup:
    ā–Ŗ ussp\WEB-INF\config.xml
    ā–Ŗ ussp\WEB-INF\classes\log4j.xml
    ā–Ŗ ussp\branding

  3. Copy any custom beans from the backup to the following folder:
    ā–Ŗ prime_explorer\WEB-INF\classes\spring

Identity ManagerĀ uses a tool called Liquibase to update the database. This allows database changes to be made independently of the underlying database type, therefore making it easy to maintain the database schema for different databases with maximum flexibility.

To update the database:

  1. Stop the Tomcat service:
    In the General tab, click Stop.

  2. Open the following file:
    update_db.bat, in the delivery directory db_update

  3. Adjust the URL, USER, and PASSWORD parameters to reflect the database. See Database properties file.

  4. Save the file.

  5. Run the batch file. Note that the server on which these scripts are run requires access to the database server. If the script is run on the application server, this should not be a problem because the connection is also needed at runtime.

  6. After successful execution, the following message is displayed on the console:
    Liquibase Update Successful

  7. Restart Tomcat to establish the database connection.Ā 

Additional information

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