Use Nexus OTP display cards in Digital Access

Use Nexus OTP display cards in Digital Access

This article describes how to configure and enable to use Nexus OTP display cards.


  • Access to the OTP cards

  • Access to the seed import file 

  • Log in to Digital Access Admin with an administrator account

Prepare the import file

  1. Export the import file from XLS to CSV, if needed.

  2. Make sure that there are no extra signs, for example quotation marks. Also remove any column headers. The import file shall now look like this (one row for each token:


Import OATH tokens

  1. Follow the instructions under Import OATH tokens to the Digital Access database in Set up OATH tokens in Digital Access. In step 4 enter these values:

  2. Do not check Seed and counter is base64 encoded.

Create authentication method

  • Follow the instructions under Enable OATH authentication in Set up OATH tokens in Digital Access, with these exceptions:

    • Do NOT select Two Factor Authentication.

    • Use default values.

Assign an OATH device to a user

  1. Follow the instructions under Assign an OATH device to a user in Set up OATH tokens in Digital Access. In step 4c enter the Token ID, for example, ABCC00002023.

  2. Now it should be possible to authenticate with the OTP display card using the pin provided in the PIN file.

If the import fails

If the import fails, the OTP display card counter can be out of sync. The token must be re-synced. Follow these steps:

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage Accounts and Storage.

  2. Click User Accounts and search for and select a user account. Go to the PortWise Authentication tab.

  3. In the OATH section click the synchronize icon for the OTP display card and follow the instructions.

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