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Add access rule in Digital Access

This article describes how to add an access rule, also for two-factor authentication (2FA), in Smart ID Digital Access component.

Log in to Digital Access Admin with an administrator account. To add an access rule, do the following:

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage Resource Access.

  2. Click Access Rules > Add Access Rule...

  3. Enter a display name and click Add Rule...
    Example of Display name: myAdminisrtatorsAccessRule

  4. Select type of access rule. For 2FA, select Authentication method and click Next.

  5. Depending on selected type of access rule, enter values or select authentication method. For 2FA, select and add two authentication methods that shall be used. For more information, click the ?-sign. The selected access rules for 2FA are used for authorization in the order they are selected.

  6. For 2FA, specify that the authentication methods shall be combined with a logical AND and click Next.

  7. Confirm the access rule creation. Click Next.

  8. Click Next again and then click Finish.

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