Release note Smart ID Desktop App 1.8.3
Version: 1.8.3
Release date: 2022-04-05
Version 1.8.3 of Smart ID Desktop App replaces these versions, and all included features and corrected bugs from these versions are included in 1.8.3, see a list below:
Smart ID Desktop App 1.7.3
Smart ID Desktop App 1.7.5
Smart ID Desktop App 1.8
Smart ID Desktop App 1.8.1
Smart ID Desktop App 1.8.2
Detailed features list
Jira ticket no | Description | From version |
PEX-1004 | The transport public key format has been changed from plain public key to JWK. PS256 remains. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1012 | Localization for French has been added. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1016 | Added an option to delete any corresponding certificates when a temporary card is removed. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-844 | Added support for P12 import from file into Virtual Smart Card (VSC) profile without the need for pre-creation of the VSC. Read more here: Create virtual smart card | 1.8 |
PEX-946 | Added support for PIN reset / Adminkey change for Smart Cards not related to any profile in Smart ID Desktop App. | 1.8 |
PEX-969 | Windows 10 revision 1903 or higher is required for MS Store version of Smart ID Desktop App. See here: Smart ID Desktop App requirements and interoperability. | 1.8 |
PEX-991 | Upgrade from sideload to MSI version and vice versa is now supported. | 1.8 |
PEX-938 | Limited support for provisioning physical smartcards. General minidriver cards are supported. Specifically tested and supported with CardOS minidriver, Gemalto/Axalto minidriver and Crescendo C2300. | 1.7.5 |
PEX-947 | Added a switch in advanced settings for automatic removal of encryption certificates, used for protecting P12 certificates during enrollment and installation. See General settings in Smart ID Desktop App. | 1.7.5 |
Corrected bugs
Jira ticket no | Description | From version |
PEX-1038 | Fixed a certificate filtering error that prevented signing to work when certain class of certificates were present. | 1.8.3 |
PEX-1041 | Single profile desktop extension extended to Software and Platform profiles. | 1.8.3 |
PEX-1043 | Added "sideloaded" in the version of the Sideloaded release in About to distinguish it from the Store release. | 1.8.3 |
PEX-1044 | Logs were erroneously truncated, which has been fixed. Date format changed to yyyy-MM-dd. | 1.8.3 |
PEX-1003 | Newly provisioned virtual smartcard (VSC) was supposed to have an administrative key set to the value received from the server. Instead, a default value was used. As a consequence, VSC with provisioned email decryption or authentication key could be used without the knowledge of the PIN. This has been fixed. | 1.8.2 |
PEX-1036 | Date in format dd-mm-RR was added to the Smart ID Desktop App logs. | 1.8.2 |
PEX-1028 | Profileless adminkey change is now possible by listing smartcardid. This is a part of wider support for minidriver based physical smartcard. | 1.8.2 |
PEX-1026 | Metadata tool stopped signing data with the latest library update. This has been fixed. | 1.8.2 |
PEX-1025 | Messaging which occurs when provisioning goes wrong was updated to be more transparent. | 1.8.2 |
PEX-977 | Sonarqube failed when building Smart ID Desktop App. This has been fixed. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1007 | Virtual Smartcard pin reset was not working, it complained about missing token. This has been fixed. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1009 | Sonarqube sometimes fails due to connectivity errors when building Smart ID Desktop App. This has been fixed. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1018 | Some localization strings where untranslated. This has been fixed now. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1019 | Some scripts behaved differently on domain machines. This has been fixed now. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1025 | If a Provision command fails, then Desktop App should roll back to its previous state. This is working as it should now. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-1026 | Metadata signing feature stopped working with the new azure library update. This has been fixed now. | 1.8.1 |
PEX-891 | Solved an issue where the complete Yubikey could be deleted instead of the intended Yubikey profile. | 1.8 |
PEX-984 | Solved an issue where PIN reset for a VSC did not work. | 1.8 |
PEX-985 | Solved an issue where the replace VSC process failed with "AdminKeyChangeFailed" error. | 1.8 |
PEX-995 | Solved an issue with JWT cross-platform inconsistency manifested in the Smart ID Desktop App. | 1.8 |
PEX-934 | There was an issue with a pre-activation provisioning attribute. This has been fixed. | 1.7.5 |
PEX-949 | Removed a non-used activation link button from the UI. | 1.7.5 |
PEX-951 | Logging has been unified and enhanced. Native and framework processes now log to common file, which simplifies Pencode scripts debugging. | 1.7.5 |
There are no limitations for this release.
Contact Information
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Nexus offers maintenance and support services for Smart ID Desktop App to customers and partners. For more information, please refer to the Nexus Technical Support at, or contact your local sales representative.
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