Upgrade from PRIME 3.7 to PRIME 3.8

Upgrade from PRIME 3.7 to PRIME 3.8

This article is valid from Nexus PRIME 3.8

This article describes the steps that must be done when upgrading Smart ID Identity Manager from version 3.7 to 3.8. The instructions cover relevant changes for standard features that can be used by configuration in PRIME Designer or configuration files. Customization changes in internal APIs etc are not included. These instructions apply when upgrading the 3.7 standard packages to 3.8.


Upgraded PRIME to 3.8, see Upgrade Identity Manager.

Step-by-step instructions

 Jasper Reports

The Jasper Reports framework, that is used in PRIME to create PDF documents for reporting, PIN letter, receipts, and so on, has been updated for PRIME 3.8 to version 6.5.1.

  1. To create jasper report templates (.jrxml) for PRIME 3.8, make sure you use an updated report design tool, such as Jaspersoft Studio version 6.6 or later.
  2. If binary data, for example photos, is used in the PDF templates, the following change needs to be done in the JRXML template:
    Change from:

    Old definition
    <field name="Person_Photo" class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable"/>


    New definition
    <field name="Person_Photo" class="net.sf.jasperreports.renderers.Renderable"/>

    The change can also be done by editing the JRXML template in the updated report design tool.

    All other report functionalities will work without any further changes.

 Explorer style settings

The html version of PRIME Explorer is the default front end for operators. The java webstart PRIME Explorer is still supported, but will soon become deprecated.

Customers who still want to use the PRIME Explorer java version instead of the html Version, must change the style settings on the PRIME Explorer server:

  1. Open the file \prime_explorer\eclntjsfserver\config\sessiondefaults.xml for editing.

  2. Change from:

    Old definition
    <sessiondefaults style="act3_risc"/>


    New definition
    <sessiondefaults style="act3 "/>
 JPKIEncoder download settings

New settings were added in PRIME Explorer to avoid failure of JPKIEncoder download or CA connector calls during card production, if https client authentication is used.

If you use client authentication to log in to PRIME Explorer or User Self-Service Portal (USSP), such as browser-based smart card or soft token login, do the following:

  1. Open the file \webapps\prime_explorer\WEB-INF\classes\system.properties for editing.

  2. Make sure to specify https ports without client authentication for both JPKIEncoder download or CA connector calls:

    JPKIEncoder download
    # if you use client-auth to log into PRIME/USSP you need to configure overrides to non-client-auth HTTPS ports here,
    # otherwise the CardSDK trying to download the JPKIEncoder or the JPKIEncoder calling an integrated CA connector will not be able to connect
    # for JPKIEncoder download:
    # for CA connector calls:
 Server-side production

Server-side card production was revised with this release to overcome a couple of limitations in the old implementation.

Specifically, the task serverSideProductionPreviewTask.jsp was removed and service tasks for server-side production were changed. This means, custom processes using this feature need to be adapted accordingly.

Contact Nexus for further details, if you are using this feature.

All standard processes and custom processes using client-side card production, which is the default approach, will not be affected and can be used with PRIME 3.8 without any changes.

 Application-based smart card login

Application-based smart card login is now disabled by default, because it is only supported by the java webstart version of PRIME Explorer.

If you want to enable application-based smart card login, do the following:

  1. Open the file \webapps\prime_explorer\WEB-INF\classes\system.properties for editing.
  2. Set login.applicationBasedSmartCardLoginEnabled to true:

    JPKIEncoder download
 Personal Mobile

Customers using the standard processes for provisioning certificates to Personal Mobile must upgrade the configuration to the new 3.8 processes for the Personal Mobile use cases.

The configuration has changed significantly, new service tasks have been introduced due to major improvements and interface changes on Personal Mobile Messaging Server.

 Nexus Card SDK
Nexus PRIME 3.8 requires a new version of Nexus Card SDK. You need to update the corresponding clients to Card SDK version or later.

Additional information

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