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Appoint card orderers in ID06

This article describes how to appoint card orderers, that is, persons that shall be able to order ID06 cards for your employees. 

Do the following: 

  1. Go to the ID06 portal and log in with your ID06 account.

  2. Choose User management from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

  3. Add users with different permissions in the service portal.

    1. Administrator, with permission to:

      1. add and remove users

      2. assign permissions to users

      3. order cards for cardholders.

    2. User, with permission to:

      1. order cards for cardholders.

  4. The administrators and users (the card orderers) will receive an email with a link to click on. They will then create an ID06 account and authenticate with Swedish BankID.

Next step

Continue to the next step: 2. Order ID06 cards.

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