Info |
An operator wants to update card information. |
This article describes how an operator edits a card for a user in the Cards package in Smart ID Identity Manager.
Note |
This use case is disabled by default. |
Expand |
title | Enable the Edit card use case |
- Log in to Identity Manager Admin with your admin user.
- Go to Home > Cards.
- Select and edit Card.
- Select the Active tab.
- In Additional Commands, click New (the pen symbol) to add a row.
- In Additional Commands, select Edit card from the drop-down list in Process.
- Click Save.
Step-by-step instruction for the operator
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title | Log in to Identity Manager Operator |
- Log in to Identity Manager Operator with your user account.
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- Go to the SEARCH page.
- Select Card from the drop-down menu and click Search.
Select the card you want to edit in the list, and click Edit card. Note |
To cancel the process, see "Cancel the process" below. |
- Make the changes you want to do, for example title and/or organization.
Click Next to save the changes for the card.
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Insert excerpt |
| Create user |
| Create user |
nopanel | true |
Use case details
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title | Overview and technical details |
Use case description | As an operator I want to edit a card |
Outcome | - Saved changes on the card object
Symbolic name | CardsProcEdit |
Process name | Edit card |
Component | Identity Manager Operator |
Required card state | |
Process start | On the card object > Edit card |
There are no options for this use case.
Use case scenarios
Related information