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Roles in Smart ID use cases

This article describes the user roles in the Smart ID use cases. Read more here: Smart ID Workforce use cases

The self-service user in Smart ID can do many tasks in the Smart ID Self-Service tool, such as upload a photo, require a password and much more. See the complete list here: Roles vs use cases in Smart ID

The Smart ID Self-Service tool can be used with all common browser types and on all common mobile devices. Different objects and tasks are visible to the self-service user.

This is an example of the start page for a self-service user:

The person with the Operator role in Smart ID uses the tool Identity Manager Operator to manage users, cards and credentials, and run predefined queries, reports, filters and statistics. The available tasks depend on the configuration that has been set up in Identity Manager Admin. See the complete list here: Roles vs use cases in Smart ID

Depending on the operator's role and permissions, different navigation options and user actions are possible, such as, types of data objects visible or tasks that can be performed.

This the start page for the operator:

Identity Manager Admin is the configuration tool in Smart ID where the data model, BPMN processes, elements of the user interface, data sources, permissions and much more are configured by the person with the Administrator role. The configuration determines the functionality of Identity Manager Operator.

In Identity Manager Admin, the administrator can, for example:

  • Define workflows for identities, ID production or other processes and their lifecycle management with BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation).

  • Design web forms for different entities and their different states.

  • Handle user rights and role management.

  • Create templates for queries, reports, filters and statistics.

See the complete list here: Roles vs use cases in Smart ID

This is an example of a configuration page for the administrator:

The person that has the Approver role in Smart ID has the permission to act on open requests, for example, when a person's data has been updated or when a card is issued. See the complete list here: Roles vs use cases in Smart ID

This is an example of how it can look like for an approver, when a request needs to be approved or rejected:

Read more here: Users - Approval handling and here Cards - Approval handling.

The person who has the Mobile ID manager role in Smart ID has the permission to supply or lock a mobile ID for another user. The tool used is Identity Manager Operator.

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