This particular check is performed by IDM Operator only.
IDM signs the history of the objects it manages. When you are using an already existing Object History chain, this check makes sure that certificates for signing and verification of this chain are properly configured in a way that allows the chain to be continued. This means that the certificate and associated keypair used for the last entry of the chain must still be available.
A failure of this test indicates that the descriptors used for the Object History signing are wrong. In this case, start up will be aborted. Please check that the correct certificate/keypair is configured for the descriptor and that the versioning is correct.
If you think that the engine's configuration is correct but you still get this error, you can also recover from this error by configuring a new Object History chain as shown below:
For Tomcat deployment: add the following to WEB-INF/classes/ of the IDM Operator webapp:
# replace NEW_CHAIN with the desired name for the replacement chain
For Docker deployment: add the following to the start of the SYSTEM_PROPERTIES definition in docker/compose/identitymanager/operator/docker-compose.yml:
# replace NEW_CHAIN with the desired name for the replacement chain
"commonHistoryService.chainName": "NEW_CHAIN",
Thus, the old chain will remain intact for further analysis. The new chain will be signed with the currently configured descriptor.