Data collection workflows

Data collection workflows

This article describes the workflow in the Data Collection tab for the card orderer that sends, reviews and manages card data collection for employees.

To access the Data Collection tab, open Nexus GO Cards Management portal and select Data Collection.

The Data Collection tab is not included as a standard function in the Nexus GO Cards Management portal.

Collect data via email


To add one or multiple email addresses when creating collection requests, do one of the following:

  • To add one email address, enter the email address into the text field and select ADD.

  • To add multiple email addresses, select IMPORT EMAIL ADDRESSES and add the email addresses in the dialog. Separate the addresses by comma, semicolon, space, or new line. Select card type and click SAVE.

  • To clear the list of email addresses, select CLEAR ROWS or click the x icon in the list next to the email address.

To send requests to the listed email addresses, select SEND REQUESTS.

View sent emails and send reminders

From the PENDING tab, you can view, remove, and resend emails. You can also send a reminder to all listed email addresses.

By default, two reminders are sent within 10 days of the initial request email if the requested data has not been uploaded as requested.

Once the recipient provided the data, the card becomes available in the IN REVIEW tab.

  • To resend the email, click the envelope icon.

  • To remove the email, click the x icon.

  • To send a reminder to all email addresses that already received previous reminders, select SEND REMINDERS TO ALL.

Collect data via file import

From the COLLECT CARD DATA tab, select COLLECT VIA FILE in the drop-down menu.
Start by selecting the type of card you want to import employee data for and press the DOWNLOAD button. Open the .CSV file and start filling in personal data for your employees.

Regardless of which layout you select, EMAIL will always be present as a header.
If your layout does not require you to supply in EMAIL, filling in a value for this field is optional. However, if you intend on gathering additional data directly from your employees, this field must be filled in for data collection requests to be sent out.

Once you have filled in all your data, make sure to save your file with UTF-8 encoding.

If you edited your file using Excel, this is done by selecting the option CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) as the file type when saving your file.

Select Action 2: Upload a finished CSV under section CHOOSE YOUR ACTION. Drag-and-drop your CSV to the drop zone on your right-hand side.

If you wish to gather additional information, select the option Collect via email. This will send a data collection request to the recipient email addresses filled out in your CSV.

Optionally, you may choose to assign your cards to a delivery address. If you skip this, the cards will be sent to the address chosen in the checkout step.

Manage collected card data

From the IN REVIEW tab, you can add cards to the cart, reject or edit card data, or remove cards.

Add cards to the cart

Once reviewed, cards can be added to the shopping cart.

  • To add all reviewed cards on the page at hand to the cart, select ADD ALL TO CART.

  • To add one card, click the green checkmark icon on the card.


To reject the card data, click the yellow icon on the card. Enter a reason for rejecting the data and click SAVE.

An email is sent to the recipient and the recipient must edit the data. Once the recipient updates the details, the card will become available under the IN REVIEW tab.


To edit the card data, click the pen icon to open the EDIT CARD DATA dialog.

Select SHOW ADDRESS to edit the delivery address.


To remove the card, click the red icon on the card.

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