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Install and upgrade Smart ID Desktop App (for versions below 2.0)

This article includes updates for Smart ID Desktop App 1.12.1.

This article describes how to install Smart ID Desktop App.

Smart ID Desktop App 1.12 and later are not available for download on Microsoft Store. 


See Smart ID Desktop App requirements and interoperability.

Install Smart ID Desktop App from Nexus Support portal

  • Administrative rights are required to install the Smart ID Desktop App.

  • Smart ID Desktop App will always install for all users.

  • Parameters for the installer are not needed anymore but can be used for installation logs and customized installation settings (refer to installation settings)

  1. Download the Smart ID Desktop App installation from Nexus Support portal.

  2. To install Smart ID Desktop App:

    • Run the file Smart ID Desktop App-<version>.exe

Uninstall Smart ID Desktop App

  1. Download the Smart ID Desktop App uninstall tool from Nexus Support portal.

  2. To uninstall Smart ID Desktop App, run the Smart ID Desktop App Uninstall.exe file.

Upgrade Smart ID Desktop App

When you upgrade Smart ID Desktop App, all the metadata, including any existing profiles, are preserved.

Smart ID Desktop App will upgrade itself every time you run a new version of the installation .exe file, and restore the metadata and settings. No additional upgrade steps are required.


Verify Smart ID App installation

  1. Use the following command to verify that the app was provisioned correctly (requires elevation):

    Verify provisioned package

    Get-ProvisionedAppxPackage -Online | Where-Object {$_.PackageName -match "nexustechnology"}
  2. The command will return the provisioned package (if the package was provisioned correctly).

Log files location

To find the log files:

  1. Open the Event Viewer in Windows.

  2. Go to Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > AppXDeployment-Server.

  3. There you find Microsoft-Windows-AppXDeploymentServer/Operational which contains the events.

In addition, an installation or uninstallation log file will be generated on the desktop of the administrator user installing Smart ID Desktop App. It will have the name of the executing file with the -log suffix.

  • To redirect the log file to another file use the following command:

    Redirect installation log file

    "Smart ID Desktop App-<version>.exe" /l*v! "filename"


  • The redirection applies on uninstalling as well, for example:

    Redirect uninstallation log file

    "Smart ID Desktop App Uninstall.exe" /l*v! "filename"

"filename" can either be a file name, where a log file will be created to where the installation file resides, or a fully path qualified file.

If the user does not have access to the path and/or the file, the following message will appear:

This can happen for an administrator as well, if they use a path to a user profile, as they do not have access to it by default.

Re-install/re-register Smart ID Desktop App

If a user has clicked uninstall via start menu, an administrator can register the app for the user again with the following command:

Re-install/re-register Smart ID Desktop App

This will register the application if the user uninstalls the application from the start menu, as this will only remove the registration for the user.

If that fails, try installing the application using the installation .exe file again. The log file produced should contain relevant information if the installation fails.

Uninstall older versions of Smart ID Desktop App

The ultimate package command to completely remove any version for all users:

Remove all Smart ID Desktop App packages

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