Workplace - Start-up guide

Workplace - Start-up guide

This article describes the steps that have to be done with the Workplace package in Smart ID before you can start to use the system. 


  1. Upload the Users package in Identity Manager Admin. Follow all steps in Users - Start-up guide.

  2. In Identity Manager Operator, change the default password for the operator user (username: operator, password: operator).

  3. In Identity Manager Admin, change the default password for the administrator user (username: admin, password: admin). You must also change the password for the idm-api-cm user.

Step-by-step instruction for the administrator

  1. In Identity Manager Admin, select the Configuration file tab.

  2. Click Upload configuration

  3. Click Select file and add the path to the SmartID-xx.xx-Workplace-configuration-YYYYMMDD.zip file.

  4. Click Upload.

Step-by-step instruction for the operator

Upload the CSV file that includes the roles for Workplace.

  1. In Identity Manager Operator, in the Quick search drop down list, select Default roles.

  2. Click Upload default roles.

  3. Search for the Workplace_Roles.csv file and upload it.

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