Set up integration with Bewator Omnis
This article is valid for Smart ID 21.04 and later.
This article describes how to configure the Bewator Omnis Service, to enable integration between Smart ID Identity Manager, Physical Access and Bewator Omnis.
Bewator Omnis is an Access Control System provided by Vanderbilt and managed by a GUI and API to interact with Bewator Omnis through the OmnisAPI.DLL. After integration, all administration of Users, Access Token and Entitlements (besides defining them) should be done in Identity Manager, never in Bewator.
For details on which data can be imported and exported from Bewator, see About import and export to Physical Access.
The following prerequisites apply:
- Physical Access and the Bewator Omnis Docker container/service are installed. See Deploy Smart ID.
- Bewator Omnis server version 6.2.110 or newer is required. The Omnis API (DLL) version 2.2 is required to interact with Bewator Omnis.
- The message queue server must be running.
- If MIFARE card technology is used, the PACS MIFARE number must be available as raw data (not encrypted, truncated, or similar).
- A working network connection to the connected physical access control systems (PACS) must be in place.
Install IIS web server
To host the Bewator Omnis Web Service on the Omnis Server, an IIS server must be installed.
- If an IIS server is not installed, then follow Step 1 in to install it.
- Host the web service /BewatorOmnisWebService/, according to Step 2 in the lsam article.
Verify that the web service is hosted correctly, by browsing to the URL:
Example: Bewator Omnis web service URLhttp://localhost:<port>/BewatorOmnisWebService.asmx
- Configure the following parameters in the web service configuration file \BewatorOmnisWebService\Web.Config:
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
omnisip | string | Required | The |
omnisport | int | Required | The port number where Omnis Bewator server is listening. You can find this in the Omnis application at File > Setting > System Setting in the tab connection TCP/IP-port for the BAPSI-protocols. |
Omnisidentifier | string | Required | The Omnis Identifier is a unique identifier which is generated when we install Bewator Omnis and add license key. This identifier is required to connect API to the Omnis Server. You find this identifier at File > Person Registry > Administration tab > External Connection. Double click on the external connection and a popup will appear. In this popup we will get the Identifier. |
Configure Bewator Omnis Service data fields
The Bewator Omnis data is configured in the configuration table in the Physical Access database. All configuration is cached when the service starts so any configuration changes will require the service to be restarted in order to take effect.
Configure database
For information about how to connect to a PACS system, see Connect to a PACS system in PACS admin panel.
For information about group: messagingqueue, see Physical Access database - common parameters.
group: general
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
updatesPerPoll | int | Optional | The maximum number of messages read from the message queue. Default: 100 |
group: BewatorOmnis
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description | ||||||||||||
OmnisWebServiceUrl | string | Required | This is the URL of the OmnisWebService hosted on the Omnis Server. | ||||||||||||
cardnumberpaddinglength | int | Required | This is a default setting which indicates max length of Access Token number and if number is less than 16 then prepend 0 (zero) to that number. For example, If access token is 1234567 and | ||||||||||||
identifiertype | string | Required | Identifier type is the type of identifier which decides which identifier of access token use for access token number. | ||||||||||||
accessgroupdelimiter | string | Required | Access group delimiter is used to concatenate organization id and department id and same for name of entitlements like | ||||||||||||
homeorganization | string | Required | Home Organization is the organization in Bewator Omnis. Home organization is used while creating users. | ||||||||||||
entitlementimporttype | string | Required | This type is use to set structure of import and export. Possible values are listed in the following table:
Id | Group | Index | Key | system | value |
1 | general | 0 | updatesperpoll | BewatorOmnis | 100 |
2 | BewatorOmnis | 0 | deletepersononnoaccess | BewatorOmnis | false |
3 | BewatorOmnis | 0 | cardnumberpaddinglength | BewatorOmnis | 16 |
4 | BewatorOmnis | 0 | identifiertype | BewatorOmnis | mifare |
5 | BewatorOmnis | 0 | accessgroupdelimiter | BewatorOmnis | - |
6 | BewatorOmnis | 0 | homeorganization | BewatorOmnis | Home Organization |
group: omnis.export
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
userfieldmappings | string | Optional | The The value in configuration setting is a combination of |
The following is an example of userfieldmapping
Id | Group | Index | Key | system | value |
14 | omnis.export | 1 | userfieldmappings | BewatorOmnis |,PhoneMobile |
15 | omnis.export | 1 | userfieldmappings | BewatorOmnis |,Address |
16 | omnis.export | 1 | userfieldmappings | BewatorOmnis |,Email |
20 | omnis.export | 1 | userfieldmappings | BewatorOmnis | phone.home,PhoneHome |
21 | omnis.export | 1 | userfieldmappings | BewatorOmnis |,PhoneOffice |
22 | omnis.export | 1 | userfieldmappings | BewatorOmnis | useradditionalfield.remark,Remark |
Bewator Omnis field mapping
The service mainly transfers user data including related access tokens and entitlement assignments. The tables below show the default field mapping.
If needed, additional fields can be configured, using the SCIM API and useradditionalfield
in the database configuration.
User field mapping
By default, the following data is mapped between the USER table in the Physical Access and the Bewator Omnis service:
SR No | Physical Access field (Web API) | Bewator Omnis field (UI) |
1 | Service Configuration (homeorganization) | Organization (Organization directory on UI) |
2 | givenname (givenName) | givenname (givenName) |
3 | familyname (FamilyName) | LastName (Sirname) |
4 | pin (Pin) | PIN (PIN) |
5 | validto (ValidTo) | validTo (Time limit access To) |
Access token field mapping
By default, the following data is mapped between the ACCESSTOKEN and ACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIER tables in the Physical Access and the Bewator Omnis service:
SR No | Physical Access field (Web API) | Bewator Omnis field (UI) |
1 | CardNumber (identifiers-type-value) | CardCode (Kortnummer) |
2 | assigneeId(assignee) | AssignedPersonId (User) |
3 | As per ValidTo and Status of Card | Status (Status) |
Entitlement assignment field mapping
By default, the following data is mapped between the ENTITLEMENTASSIGNMENT table in the Physical Access and the Bewator Omnis service:
SR No | Physical Access field (Web API) | Bewator Omnis field (UI) |
1 | assigneeid (assignee -value) | ExternalId (Selected User Name) |
2 | Entitlement.ExternalId (First part before Group delimitator) | Organization (Organization) |
3 | Entitlement.ExternalId (Second part after Group delimitator) | Department (Department) |
4 | Entitlement.EntitlementType | Used to set type of structure we want to use to import and export entitlement assignment. |
Restart service
Restart the Bewator Omnis connector service:
Restart Physical Access Bewator Omnis connectorcd <SMARTIDHOME>/compose/physicalaccess docker-compose restart smartid-pa-omnis