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Administrator Terms for Nexus GO Signing

1. Definitions


A User of the Services who may create accounts for other Users, upload Documents and use the Services to sign Documents.

Administrator Terms

These terms, setting out the terms and conditions for Your use of the Services.


The party who purchases the Services from Nexus. 

Customer Agreement

The agreement for provision of the Services entered into between the Customer and Nexus.


A PDF-document uploaded to the Services which may be electronically signed by You.


 Nexus GO Signing, which allows Users to sign Documents electronically and which are further described in the Service Description.

Service Description

Means as stated in Section 3.1 below.


An individual using the Services under the Customer’s account. 


You, the individual using the Services. 

2. Scope of the agreement

By accepting these Administrator Terms, You are granted a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, fully revocable license and right to use the Services as permitted by these Administrator Terms.

3. The Services

3.1.    The Services are described on (the “Service Description”).

3.2.    You may only use the Services for the Customer’s purposes to upload and sign Documents, to create accounts for other Users and use other functions which may be available through Your account. You are responsible for any Document uploaded to the Services and any use of the Services through Your account.

3.3.    Any Document signed by use of the Services will be entered into between the signing parties. Except for the case where Nexus explicitly acts as a signatory of a document, Nexus will under no circumstances be a party to any Document signed through the Services.

4. Your use of the Services

4.1.    You are responsible for selecting secure log-in credentials and taking all necessary precautions to keep such credentials secret and secure.

4.2.    You will not (i) create an Administrator account for any individual not employed by the Customer, (ii) register false information in applying for or amending Your access to the Services, (iii) use information of a third party without proper authorization, or (iv) allow a third party to use Your account or access the Services. If You find that Your log-in credentials are compromised or used by a third party, You shall immediately restore the credentials and notify the Customer and Nexus thereof.

4.3.    You agree not to (i) distribute any part of the Services in any medium or make the Services available over a network where they could be used by multiple devices at the same time, (ii) solicit personally identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes, (iii) rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute or sublicense the Services, (iv) copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify, or create derivative works of the Services, any updates, or any part thereof, (v) delete, change or modify in any way any copyright notices or trademarks contained in the Services, (vi) use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, robots, spiders or other automatic device or manual process to monitor or copy the Services, or (vii) provide to the Services any viruses, worms, time bombs, and/or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, intercept or expropriate any system, data or information or any content that may create liability for Nexus.

4.4.    You may not use any illegal materials or violate any applicable laws in connection with the use of the Services, including uploading any third party materials without having secured necessary licenses and rights from the owners or license holders of such materials.

4.5.    You undertake not to use the Services in moral or ethical gray zones, such as the fields of gambling, pornography, guns, alcohol and microloans (e.g. by text messaging).

4.6.    You undertake not to, by use of any software or hardware, to copy, manipulate, unnecessarily burden, decompile or gain access to parts of the Services or Documents other than made available by Nexus or uploaded by the Customer.

4.7.    Should Nexus find that a Document uploaded by You breaches or in Nexus’ sole discretion is likely to breach Sections 4.4 - 4.5 above, Nexus is entitled to erase such Document.

4.8.    Should Nexus find that You are in breach of any provision contained in Sections 4.1 - 4.6 above Nexus may suspend Your access to the Services permanently or temporarily. 

5. Access to Documents

5.1.   Nexus temporarily stores and processes uploaded PDF documents for the purpose of adding digital signatures and related information. Except for this case, Nexus will not access the content of the Documents unless explicit consent has been given by the Administrator who uploaded the Document. Such access may be necessary for Nexus to provide the Administrator with the relevant support. Any content of a Document to which Nexus has been granted access will be treated confidentially and only shared with personnel within Nexus on a strict need-to-know basis.

5.2.   Nexus may collect information about processed signature information such as digital fingerprints for the purpose of supplying a service to customers for validation of signatures.

6. Limitation of liability

Nexus’ liability towards the Customer is set out in the Customer Agreement. Towards You as an Administrator, Nexus shall not bear any liability hereunder.

7. Personal data

To provide You with the Services, Nexus must process Your personal data. Please find information in Data processing agreement for Nexus GO Signing. Nexus will not process Your personal data for any other purpose.

8. Termination and suspension of the Services

8.1.    Nexus shall be entitled to immediately terminate Your access to the Services upon Your breach of these Administrator Terms.

8.2.    Nexus may suspend Your access to the Services for several reasons as agreed between Nexus and the Customer. Nexus will use its commercially reasonable efforts to inform You about any such suspensions and provide You with information on when the Services may be expected to become available again.

9. Amendments

Nexus may from time to time change the scope and content of Your version of the Services.

10. Notices

All notices shall be deemed to have been received by You on the earliest of Your confirmation or three days after Nexus sent such notice to the email address provided by You in accordance with the instructions in the Nexus GO Portal.

11. Governing law and dispute resolution

These Administrator Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Sweden.

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