Set up integration with Dorma Kaba Exos
This article includes updates for Smart ID 23.10.4.
This article describes how to configure the Kaba exos 9300 Service, to enable integration between Smart ID Identity Manager, Physical Access and the Kaba exos 9300 Service.
Kaba exos 9300 is an Access Control System provided by dormakaba and managed by a GUI and API to interact with Kaba exos 9300. After integration, all administration of Users, Access Token and Entitlements (besides defining them) should be done in Identity Manager, never in Kaba exos 9300.
Kaba exos 9300 have User Media (Layouts) and User Media (cards) Inventory. You must add User Media in Inventory first and then you can assign that to User.
There are applicability types (All, Invalid, Default, Transitional and Visitor) for Access tokens in Kaba exo 9300 and Default(All) applicability is used while adding access token in Inventory. Card Inventory can be managed through the 'Badge Management' menu available in Kaba exos 9300 application UI.
For details on which data can be imported and exported from Kaba exos 9300, see About import and export to Physical Access.
The following prerequisites apply:
Physical Access and the Kaba exos 9300 Docker container/service are installed. See Deploy Smart ID.
The Kaba exos 9300 Service is currently using Dorma Kaba Open API version 3.0.0 and to interact with Kaba exos 9300.
Kaba exos 9300 Docker container/service supports Kaba exos 9300 product version > 4.2.2.
The message queue server must be running.
If MIFARE card technology is used, the PACS MIFARE number must be available as raw data (not encrypted, truncated, or similar).
A working network connection to the connected physical access control systems (PACS) must be in place
Configure Kaba exos 9300 Service data fields
The Kaba exos 9300 data is configured in the configuration table in the Physical Access database. All configuration is cached when the service starts so any configuration changes will require the service to be restarted in order to take effect.
Configure database
To change the database configuration:
Log in to Physical Access admin panel as an admin user.
All configured PACS connector services are listed, as well as Generic configurations to define the messaging queue.Click on a system to do updates.
All database entries are listed.To update an entry, click on the edit icon. Edit as needed and then click Update.
To create an entry, click on +Create. Select Group, enter Key, Value and Index, and then click Create.
group: messagingqueue
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
server | string | Required | IP Address of Message Queue Server. If it is installed on the local server then we can use localhost. If we are accessing this server remotely then need to mention IP address. |
username | string | Required | Username of message queue server. Default value: “guest” |
password | string | Required | Password of message queue server. Default value: “guest” |
system | string | Required | Defines which messaging queue to be used, either "rabbitmq" or "azureservicebus". Default value: "rabbitmq" |
group: general
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
deleteUserOnNoEntitlement | string | Optional | Defines if the user shall be deleted if no active entitlement assignment are present for that user. Valid values: Default: |
deleteUserOnNoAccessToken | string | Optional | Defines if the user shall be deleted if no active access tokens are present for that user. Valid values: Default: |
heartbeatInterval | int | Optional | Heartbeat interval is the time difference between two successive heartbeats, and it is used to know if the system is in active (running) or in inactive (stopped) state. Default value and minimum value: 60 seconds. If it is set less than 60 seconds, it will be considered as 60 seconds to update the status. |
group: general
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
updatesPerPoll | int | Optional | The maximum number of messages read from the message queue. Default: 100 |
group: system
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
apiUrl | string | Required | API URL of Kaba exos Restful Service of Kaba exos 9300 service. Default: https://kabaexos |
apiKey | string | Required | API Key Identifier provided with Kaba exos Rest API. Default: MyApiKey |
username | string | Required | Username to login into Kaba exos Rest API |
password | string | Required | Password to login into Kaba exos Rest API |
tenantId | string | Required | Tenant Id for kaba exos system. Default: 1 |
group: export
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
EntitlementType | string | Required | EntitlementTypeis used to set which type of access elements Physical Access should import. Currently, these EntitlementType are supported:
To have support for both types, add it like “Profile,DoorGroup”. |
layoutIdentifierType | string | Required | This is a type of identifier which we want to use to refer layout of access token. |
userfieldmappings | string | Optional | The userfieldmappings is the combination of all additional fields that can be sent to Kaba exos 9300. Currently, these fields can be configured:
To export these fields to Kaba exos 9300, add this configuration: The value in the configuration setting is a combination of table_name.value_of_type_column, property_name_of_cardholder. This configuration setting is the mapping between PA3 table field and Kaba exos 9300 person model properties. User column fields are sent by adding configuration like user.column_name_of_user_table, property_name_of_kaba_person. |
group: export.card.default
This group defines how to export card numbers by default, when a card’s layout does not have a specific mapping.
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
layout | string | Required | The default identifier type to read layout. Default: Default |
userMediaApplicationId | int | Required | Internal Id of user media Application. Default: 1 |
cardNameIdentifier | string | Required | The default identifier type to read card numbers. Default: mifare |
mediaApplicationDefinitions | string | Required | Name of media Application definition. Default: Identification (CID) (0000) |
mediaApplicationDefinitionIds | int | Required | Internal Id of media Application definition. Default: 1 |
applicationDefinitionValueIdentifiers | string | Required | The identifier type to read application Definition Value. Default: mifare |
format | string | Required | The format that the card number should be converted into before exporting it to Kaba Exos 9300. Valid values: Default: Dec |
length | int | Required | The length that the card number should be padded (with leading zeroes) to after converting it. Default: 6 |
group: export.card
This group contains compound configuration elements using the config_index column. For each unique config_index value in this group, each key defined below must be defined exactly once. Note that this group is not required as a whole, and should only be used if you have specific requirements for one or more card layouts. This entire section is Optional.
key | Data type | Required or Optional | Description |
layout | string | Required | The default identifier type to read layout. Default: Media2 |
userMediaApplicationId | int | Required | Internal Id of user media Application. Default: 1 |
cardNameIdentifier | string | Required | The default identifier type to read card numbers. Default: cardName |
mediaApplicationDefinitions | string | Required | Comma separated list of Name's of media Application definitions. Default: Kaba Group Header+ (KGH+) (0001),Unique number (UID),Kaba Group Header (KGH) (0002) |
mediaApplicationDefinitionIds | int | Required | Comma separated list of Internal Id's of media Application definitions. Default: 9,10,11 |
applicationDefinitionValueIdentifiers | string | Required | Comma separated list of the identifier type's to read application Definition Values. Default: mifare,uid,mifare |
format | string | Required | Comma separated list of the format's that the card number should be converted into before exporting it to Kaba Exos 9300. Valid values: Default: dec,dec,dec |
length | int | Required | Comma separated list of the length's that the card number should be padded (with leading zeroes) to after converting it. Default: 6,8,6 |
Kaba exos 9300 field mapping
The service mainly transfers user data including related access tokens and entitlement assignments. In the service, default fields can be sent and additional fields can be mapped using extra field mappings.
User field mapping
By default, the following data is mapped between the USER table in the Physical Access and the Kaba exos 9300 service:
SR No | Physical Access field (Web API) | Kaba exos 9300 field (UI) |
2 | givenname (givenName) | Staff Data -> FirstName |
3 | familyname (FamilyName) | Staff Data -> lastName |
5 | userType (userType) | Internal -> PersonType |
Access token field mapping
For access token field mapping, the ACCESSTOKEN and ACCESSTOKENIDENTIFIER tables from the Physical Access database are mapped to the Kaba exos 9300 service fields. All details are available under Person Record.
SR No | Physical Access field (Web API) | Kaba exos 9300 field (UI) |
1 | CardNumber (identifiers-type-value) | User Medium->Assigned User Medium -> Column[BadgeId and BadgeName] |
2 | Access Token ValidTo decide internally | User Medium-> Assigned User Medium -> Column[ValidTo] |
3 | Layout (identifiers-type-value) | User Medium→ Layout |
Entitlement assignment field mapping
For entitlement assignment field mapping, the ENTITLEMENTASSIGNMENT table from the Physical Access database is mapped to the Kaba exos 9300 service fields. All details are available under Person Record.
SR No | Physical Access field (Web API) | Kaba exos 9300 field (UI) |
1 | DisplayName (entitlement-DisplayName) | Access Rights -> Name |
2 | EntitlementType | Access Rights -> Internal |
Restart service
Restart the Kaba exos 9300 connector service:
Restart Physical Access Kaba exos 9300 connector
cd <SMARTIDHOME>/compose/physicalaccess
docker-compose restart smartid-pa-kabaexos
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