Smart ID Desktop App metadata tool
Ann Base (Deactivated)
Ylva Andersson
Josefin Klang (Deactivated)
Smart ID Desktop App metadata tool is only supported up to version 1.13.5.
This article describes the Smart ID Desktop App metadata tool. The tool is available for download from version 1.3.5 of Smart ID Desktop App. With the tool you can gather information about Smart ID Desktop App metadata for backup or in order to investigate issues with Smart ID Desktop App. The tool also allows you to easily modify Smart ID Desktop App settings. This can be used to customize Smart ID Desktop App settings directly with the app installation, or to restore it.The tool is not a part of the installation, but can be downloaded from the same area that Smart ID Desktop App is downloaded from (Nexus Support portal).
See also the prerequisites below regarding what version of Smart ID Desktop App is required.
The tool is distributed as self contained binary (no install required). You can download the file, MetadataTool.exe, from Nexus Support portal.
Go to the folder that includes the binary file (MetadataTool.exe):
cd <folder_path>
- Run MetadataTool.exe with the desired options (see the "Options" section below).
- Use
MetadataTool.exe --help
to view all options. To show log information, use the option
Example: Run metadata tool with logging enabledMetadataTool.exe -d -v
- Use
These are the options for MetadataTool.exe:
Option | Type | Description |
-i, --import | String | Path to the json file with import data. |
-c, --clean | Switch | Can be used as an additional parameter with |
-d, --dump | Switch | Outputs Smart ID Desktop App metadata as json string. |
-t, --installtype | String | Either store or sideload. Need only when both variants of Smart ID Desktop App are installed. Note: This option is listed only for compatibility with earlier versions of Smart ID Desktop App. It will not work for the current and future versions. |
-m, --migrateToStoreFromSideload | Switch | Store version metadata are replaced by those of sideload version. All store version metadata will be lost. Note: This option is listed only for compatibility with earlier versions of Smart ID Desktop App. It will not work for the current and future versions. |
-n, --migrateToSideloadFromStore | Switch | Sideload version metadata are replaced by those of store version. All sideload version metadata will be lost. Note: This option is listed only for compatibility with earlier versions of Smart ID Desktop App. It will not work for the current and future versions. |
-v, --verbose | Switch | Displays log details. |
-s, --SignJson | String | Outputs json file with signed secure value and PC info. Requires access to Nexus Azure key vault. |
-g, --GetComputerInfo | Switch | Outputs computer info relevant to secure value import. |
--help | Displays the help screen. | |
--version | Displays version information. |
Gather information about Smart ID Desktop App settings for backup and debug purposes
- Downloaded MetadataTool.exe
- Smart ID Desktop App version later or equal to 1.3.0.
To gather information about the Smart ID Desktop App settings and profile metadata, use one of these methods:
- Print to the console, or
- Export into a file.
Print the Smart ID Desktop App settings and profile metadata to the console
1. To print the Smart ID Desktop App settings and profile metadata to the console in json format, use the following command:
MetadataTool.exe -d
MetadataTool.exe --dump
Export the Smart ID Desktop App settings and profile metadata into a file
2. To export the Smart ID Desktop App settings and profile metadata into a file (saved in the folder that includes the binary file), use the following command:
MetadataTool.exe -d > output_file_name.json
MetadataTool.exe --dump > output_file_name.json
When exporting into a file, DO NOT USE the verbose
Data is organized into these groups.
- AppData (UWP appdata - not to be modified)
- Settings (user adjustable Desktop App settings)
- Profiles (profile data)
- Secured Parameters (adjustable only in cooperation with Nexus personnel)
Modify or restore Smart ID Desktop App settings
You can import a file with settings to change the configuration of Smart ID Desktop App.
- Downloaded MetadataTool.exe
- Smart ID Desktop App version later or equal to 1.3.5.
- It is strongly recommended to backup the Smart ID Desktop App settings before you continue.
These are the structural options for the json file.
The json file can have the same format as the json that was dumped when gathering information, as described above:
Example: Full json file Expand source{ "Appdata": { "currentVersion": "", "FirstUseTime": 132284845977922598, "FirstVersionInstalled": "", "IsFirstRun": true }, "Settings": { "AlwaysFlushLogFile": "true", "ImportP12Target": "TPM", "KeyProtLevel": "NoConsent", "LogLevel": "Trace", "MinimizeAfter": "false", "SignAndAuthenticateWithOwnCertificatesOnly": "false", "Theme": "Light", "WipeYubi": "false" }, "Profiles": { "Profile-526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 4:33:58 PM", "BoxUri": "", "CardIdentifier": "ffcdd17d-8227-40fb-b1e0-8d0c0d380d1b", "DeleteDisabled": "true", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "TestProfile", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0", "Issuer": "hermod-dev.go", "KeyList": "signer|pex-17dd3bd7-75ed-4a71-84a2-bcc85-07718|74f7ce30e86197ebf2131d2876e0c934255fd0db", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "false", "ReaderName": "Microsoft Virtual Smart Card 10", "SmartCardId": "526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0", "Status": "Online", "Token": "e1bdd8b9-d405-4687-8710-61aa70febfe1", "Type": "VSC", "UserId": "userASS" }, "Profile-87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 3:54:14 PM", "BoxUri": "", "CardIdentifier": "", "DeleteDisabled": "false", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "TestProfile", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52", "Issuer": "hermod-dev.go", "KeyList": "signer|ee5b50d6a4b8b24a19b9011d781c5bdf_090eae2c-b3cb-4fff-8ec8-70f4c344736b|8ee194c6dd374fd3810fcadb2bbfb981eeb7aaf0", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "false", "ReaderName": "", "SmartCardId": "87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52", "Status": "Online", "Token": "426473a7-6e4e-4fb3-8896-5a285f94c4b4", "Type": "Software", "UserId": "OS19FF111801" }, "Profile-8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 3:55:39 PM", "BoxUri": "", "CardIdentifier": "", "DeleteDisabled": "false", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "TestProfile", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0", "Issuer": "hermod-dev.go", "KeyList": "signer|C:\\Users\\david\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\PCPKSP\\b5d414be8b38409f8567a0236ac4220c779c750b\\42bead215599cadb8c1c6c700dc0e63d800890f7.PCPKEY|4cf81c7f91a61a5b10bb3e8a56c0b5e9e72b87e6", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "false", "ReaderName": "", "SmartCardId": "8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0", "Status": "Online", "Token": "77948522-c705-4162-9566-452beb0c8d40", "Type": "TPM", "UserId": "OS191ff11801" }, "Profile-9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 3:13:19 PM", "BoxUri": "NA", "CardIdentifier": "", "DeleteDisabled": "false", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "ha", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133", "Issuer": "Nexus CM Bootstrap CA", "KeyList": "FileP12|C:\\Users\\david\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\PCPKSP\\b5d414be8b38409f8567a0236ac4220c779c750b\\b5338b9ac694b89601a5657f587c118081196203.PCPKEY|9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "", "ReaderName": "", "SmartCardId": "9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133", "Status": "Online", "Token": "NA", "Type": "File TPM", "UserId": "Security Officer 1" }, "ProfileIdsList": "9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133 87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52 8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0 526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0" } }
Or the json file can have a simplified structure (not using the groups):
Example: Simplified json file Expand source{ "currentVersion": "", "FirstUseTime": 132284845977922598, "FirstVersionInstalled": "", "IsFirstRun": true, "AlwaysFlushLogFile": "true", "ImportP12Target": "TPM", "KeyProtLevel": "NoConsent", "LogLevel": "Trace", "MinimizeAfter": "false", "SignAndAuthenticateWithOwnCertificatesOnly": "false", "Theme": "Light", "WipeYubi": "false", "Profile-526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 4:33:58 PM", "BoxUri": "", "CardIdentifier": "ffcdd17d-8227-40fb-b1e0-8d0c0d380d1b", "DeleteDisabled": "true", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "TestProfile", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0", "Issuer": "hermod-dev.go", "KeyList": "signer|pex-17dd3bd7-75ed-4a71-84a2-bcc85-07718|74f7ce30e86197ebf2131d2876e0c934255fd0db", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "false", "ReaderName": "Microsoft Virtual Smart Card 10", "SmartCardId": "526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0", "Status": "Online", "Token": "e1bdd8b9-d405-4687-8710-61aa70febfe1", "Type": "VSC", "UserId": "userASS" }, "Profile-87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 3:54:14 PM", "BoxUri": "", "CardIdentifier": "", "DeleteDisabled": "false", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "TestProfile", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52", "Issuer": "hermod-dev.go", "KeyList": "signer|ee5b50d6a4b8b24a19b9011d781c5bdf_090eae2c-b3cb-4fff-8ec8-70f4c344736b|8ee194c6dd374fd3810fcadb2bbfb981eeb7aaf0", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "false", "ReaderName": "", "SmartCardId": "87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52", "Status": "Online", "Token": "426473a7-6e4e-4fb3-8896-5a285f94c4b4", "Type": "Software", "UserId": "OS19FF111801" }, "Profile-8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 3:55:39 PM", "BoxUri": "", "CardIdentifier": "", "DeleteDisabled": "false", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "TestProfile", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0", "Issuer": "hermod-dev.go", "KeyList": "signer|C:\\Users\\david\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\PCPKSP\\b5d414be8b38409f8567a0236ac4220c779c750b\\42bead215599cadb8c1c6c700dc0e63d800890f7.PCPKEY|4cf81c7f91a61a5b10bb3e8a56c0b5e9e72b87e6", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "false", "ReaderName": "", "SmartCardId": "8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0", "Status": "Online", "Token": "77948522-c705-4162-9566-452beb0c8d40", "Type": "TPM", "UserId": "OS191ff11801" }, "Profile-9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133": { "Activated": "3/10/2020 3:13:19 PM", "BoxUri": "NA", "CardIdentifier": "", "DeleteDisabled": "false", "DeleteProfileAfterImport": "false", "DisplayName": "ha", "EncryptionKeyDelete": "", "Id": "9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133", "Issuer": "Nexus CM Bootstrap CA", "KeyList": "FileP12|C:\\Users\\david\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\PCPKSP\\b5d414be8b38409f8567a0236ac4220c779c750b\\b5338b9ac694b89601a5657f587c118081196203.PCPKEY|9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158", "PinResetButtonDisabled": "", "ReaderName": "", "SmartCardId": "9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133", "Status": "Online", "Token": "NA", "Type": "File TPM", "UserId": "Security Officer 1" }, "ProfileIdsList": "9b7acfb2ab13518d612c2abdef9be195aedbc158_637194463990052133 87ac2824-bb9d-4c8f-98b1-308e6b188c52 8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0 526f4c96-dc64-41a9-a87a-dae10cfadff0" }
It is not necessary to specify all parameters:
Example: Only specify some parameters in the json file Expand source{ "AlwaysFlushLogFile": "false", "ImportP12Target": "TPM", "KeyProtLevel": "NoConsent", "LogLevel": "Trace", "MinimizeAfter": "false", "SignAndAuthenticateWithOwnCertificatesOnly": "false", "Theme": "Light", "WipeYubi": "false", }
It is NOT recommended to use the
option when modifying only some parameters. Note that the not mentioned user adjustable settings will be set to default, and the not mentioned profile settings are lost.
Individual parameter specifications -- Appdata
Should not be modified
Individual parameter specifications -- Settings
Parameter | Description | Recognized values | Default value |
AllowP12Import* | Security feature that allows to disable P12 import from file. | true, false | true |
AllowedHermods* | Security feature restricting the app communication only to the specified urls. | String with comma separated list of urls | - |
SkipFailedP12s | If enabled, the P12 import process continues even if it fails to import individual P12s. P12s that cannot be imported are returned to Hermod in error message, but the process is otherwise finished as expected. | true, false | false |
ShowHiddenCerts | If the value is true, the app will show all profile certificates (a certificate is hidden if its keyid start with ".") | true, false | false |
AlwaysFlushLogFile | Write into log file immediately (needs slightly more resources) | true, false | false |
GrantPermissionsCreateVSC | The value is true if a CreateVSC task exists, otherwise the value is false (cannot be changed using the metadata tool. | true, false | |
ImportP12Target | Platform to store the keys when importing P12 files. | VSC, OS, TPM, Yubi | VSC |
KeyProtLevel | Protection level for key imported for P12 files. | NoConsent, ConsentOnly, ConsentWithPassword, ConsentWithFingerprint | ConsentWithPassword |
WipeYubi | Wipe yubi before importing P12 file. | true, false | false |
LogLevel | Log details | No, Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal | No |
MinimizeAfter | Minimize Desktop App after successful operation | true, false | true |
SignAndAuthenticateWithOwnCertificatesOnly | Allow only certificates installed by Desktop App | true, false | false |
Theme | Desktop App theme | Default, Light, Dark | Default |
* This parameter cannot be modified directly in the app (only through the Metadata tool).
Individual parameter specifications -- Profiles
ProfileIdsList: string of profile ids separated by space.
Individual parameter specifications -- Secured parameters
Secured parameters provide functionalities bearing security risks. They are cryptographycally protected and cannot be modified by a regular user. They can only be temporarily enabled with assistance of the the Nexus personnel who has access to Azure KeyVault "kv-keyvault-common-37226". Their purpose is to help during an integration or debugging process.
These are the parameters:
Parameter | Description |
SecureLogging | If enabled, Smart ID Desktop App logs all the sensitive information, which are normally discarded. This includes VSC admin keys, transport pins and all the sensitive encoding information. |
UseHttp | If enabled, Smart ID Desktop App is allowed to talk to Hermod over http, which is normally disabled. This makes it easier to capture network communication, narrow down various network related issue and so on. |
Individual profile parameter specifications
Do NOT change profile data, as this may lead to unexpected behavior of Smart ID Desktop App.
When there is no specification for a given parameter then the acceptable values are arbitrary strings.
Parameter | Specification | Example value |
Activated | string "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt" | "05/29/2019 05:50 AM" |
BoxUri | "" | |
CardIdentifier | ||
DeleteDisabled | "true", "false" | "false" |
DeleteProfileAfterImport | "true", "false" | "false" |
DisplayName | "TestProfile | |
EncryptionKeyDelete | ||
Id | "8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0" | |
Issuer | "hermod-dev.go" | |
KeyList | ||
PinResetButtonDisabled | "true", "false" | "false" |
ReaderName | "Microsoft Virtual Smart Card 0" | |
SmartCardId | "8fd5a513-b19a-406b-be20-ac1a460fc8c0" | |
Status | "Online","Unavailable","Deleted","Incomplete","Unusable" | "Online" |
Token | "77948522-c705-4162-9566-452beb0c8d40" | |
Type | "VSC","Software","TPM","Yubi",""File VSC,"File Software","File TPM","File Yubi","mixed" | "TPM" |
UserId | "OS191ff11801" |
To import a json file to Smart ID Desktop App, use the following command:
MetadataTool.exe -i [import_json_path]
MetadataTool.exe --import [import_json_path]
To also clean the Smart ID Desktop App settings, when importing the json file, use the following command:
MetadataTool.exe -i [import_json_path] -c
MetadataTool.exe --import [import_json_path] --clean
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