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Set up access to Apache Guacamole in Digital Access component

This article includes updates for Digital Access 6.3.2.

This article describes how to configure Apache Guacamole as a web resource in Smart ID Digital Access component

Step-by-step instruction

Install Guacamole

  1. Login via SSH to the Guacamole server.

  2. Download the Guacamole 1.5 > nexus-guacamole-1.5.1.tar.gz file from the Nexus support portal and unzip it in your working directory.

  3. Install Guacamole using this command:

    Install Guacamole


Create web resource

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage Resource Access.

  2. Click Web Resources > Add Web Resource Host.

  3. Enable resource is checked by default.

  4. Enter a Display Name, the Host of the Guacamole server and the HTTP Port (8080). 

  5. Under Portal settings check Make resource available in the Portal. Upload an icon image and link text.

  6. Click Next until the web-resource is created and you see the Advanced Settings... option.

Either you continue from the previous step, or you

  • Select the web resource under Registered Resources

  • Click Edit Resource Host...

  • Click Advanced Settings...

  1. At the bottom of the page, click Add Attribute... under section Back-end Attributes.

  2. Add a back-end attribute:

    1. Enter guac as Name.

    2. Use Header as Type.

    3. Use Static Value as Source.

    4. Choose None as Encoding

    5. As Value, add username, password and IP address or DNS name of RDP host:


      this could look like:


      rdp://agadmin:admi123!@ or ssh://192.x.x.x/

      protocol -  is one of: rdp, ssh, telnet, vnc
      additional parameters following: key=value,key=value...
      More details can be found here:

  3. Click Add.

  4. Click Next and Finish Wizard.

  1. In Digital Access Admin, go to Manage Resource Access.

  2. Select the web resource under Registered Resources

  3. Click Add Resource Path...

  4. Enter guacamole as Path.

  5. Enter the link text and select an icon to make the resource available in the portal. This is the link on the access portal required to access the resource.

Single Sign-on settings

Add multiple web resources to a Guacamole server instance

Related information

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