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This article is valid for Certificate Manager 8.4.1 and later.

The file contains the configuration parameters used by the ACME servlet. 

Request URL

Relative paths specified below are relative the <configroot>. 







Controls if the ACME servlet should start or not.

start = false


The token procedure name that will be used to issue certificates from CF.


The amount of time that an ACME order is valid until it expires.


If true, will require that ACME clients include a value for externalAccountBinding when creating new ACME accounts. When using certbot as ACME client, this is done with the --eab-kid and --eab-hmac-key parameters. This also requires that the keyid and HMAC key is pre-registered in CF before the ACME account can be created.


By default, the ACME directory url will give paths to the caller by examining the URL of the incoming request. If the URL of the incoming requests is not the same as the externally accessible URLs for this installation, such as if the incoming requests have been re-written by a load-balancer, then it is possible to configure a base url here, that will be used in all URL responses.


The size, in bytes, of the random nonce that is requested from CF for use in ACME protocol messages. Minimum value 16, max value 21.


The amount of time that a nonce that is created by CF is valid until it expires and is allowed to be removed from the CF DB by cleaning process.


If true, adds the contact email address from the requesting account to the Rfc822 name field to the SAN extension in the certificate request.

Define handlers

The parameter values in the default section are used by all handlers unless overridden in the handler section.

Example: default values for handlers
#default.orderExpiryDuration = PT10M #default.externalAccountRequired = false #default.baseUrl = https://example.localdomain:8443/pgwy/acme #default.nonceSize = 16 #default.nonceExpiryDuration = P1D #default.addAccountContactEmail = false

Each handler defines a mapping between the filter (from the URL) and the ACME directory that should process each filter.

Example: handlers

Multiple CAs

It is possible to support multiple token procedures and thereby multiple CAs.

To configure Protocol Gateway to use ACME with different CAs, more than one ACME directory handler can be configured in with different token procedures:

Example: Multiple CAs

Identity Manager tenant

To issue certificates using an Identity Manager tenant, configure like this:

Example: IDM tenant

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