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Upgrade from PRIME 3.8 to PRIME 3.9

This article is valid from Nexus PRIME 3.9

This article describes the steps that must be done when upgrading Smart ID Identity Manager from version 3.8 to 3.9. The instructions cover relevant changes for standard features that can be used by configuration in PRIME Designer or configuration files. Customization changes in internal APIs etc are not included. These instructions apply when upgrading the 3.8 standard packages to 3.9.

If you upgrade from a more previous version, you must do the upgrades step by step, that is, first upgrade from 3.7 to 3.8 and then from 3.8 to 3.9. If that is the case, see also Upgrade from PRIME 3.7 to PRIME 3.8.

Upgraded PRIME to 3.9, see Upgrade Identity Manager.

Step-by-step instructions

Nexus recommends to use the HTML Version of PRIME Explorer. Nevertheless, the Java client is still supported for the last time in this release. If you want to use the Java Webstart Explorer, you must specify both COOKIE and URL in prime_explorer\WEB-INF\web.xml after the update (by default, only COOKIE is set).

  1. In web.xml, set the following:

    Settings in web.xml

    <session-config> <tracking-mode>COOKIE</tracking-mode> <tracking-mode>URL</tracking-mode> </session-config>

  2. In system.xml, set the following:

    Settings in system.xml

    <!-- remove this for java client --> <sessionmanagement type="COOKIE" />

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