Create officer in Certificate Manager

Create officer in Certificate Manager

This article describes how to create an officer within Smart ID Certificate Manager (CM). This task is done in the Administrator's workbench (AWB).  


The following prerequisites apply:

  • Two administration officers must sign the request.

  • Both officers must have the following roles

    • Use AWB

    • Officer tasks

  • A connection to the CM host must have been established. See Connect to a Certificate Manager host.

  • The certificate to be used for the new officer must be available.

Create officer

Clicking Save at any time during the creation of the officer, before clicking OK, will save the data and place the incomplete request in the Officers sub-group.

To complete the creation of the officer at a later stage:

  • Highlight the officer in the explorer bar.

  • Select Modify from the Edit menu, the toolbar, or the right-click shortcut menu.

To create an officer:

  1. In AWB, select New > Officer.

  2. In the Create Officer Request dialog, enter the new officer's name in Officer name.

  3. In State, select Active or Closed, as required.

  4. In Domain, browse for the domain where the officer will have rights and check Visible in subdomain if applicable.

  5. In Officer Profile, browse to select an officer profile for this officer. For more information on how to create an officer profile, see Create officer profile in Certificate Manager.

  6. In Certificate, click the browse button, and do the following in the Select Certificate window:

    1. Search for the user certificate by serial number or subject by checking Serial Number or Subject.

    2. Enter the search criteria in the relevant fields and click Search.
      The search results are displayed in the right-hand pane. Details of a highlighted certificate can be displayed in the Details section. Certificate ID is a decimal string that uniquely represents a certificate in a CM installation. The Certificate Serial Number must be entered as a hexadecimal string and is shown as a hexadecimal string.

    3. Select the required user certificate and click OK.

  7. The Issuer name constraints, Subject name constraint and Procedure filter, which are set in the selected officer profile, are shown but cannot be changed.
    The Roles, which are set in the officer profile are shown but cannot be changed.

  8. Procedure filter can be set.

  9. In Expiration date, select in turn date and time and use the arrow buttons to modify the value.

  10. Click OK and sign the request. See Sign tasks in Certificate Manager for more information.

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