Configure display of buttons in Identity Manager

Configure display of buttons in Identity Manager

You can configure the display of buttons on the Smart ID Self-Service page for smaller screens, for example, on mobile phones. Actions can be grouped and displayed in a drop-down menu. It is possible to configure one action button to be "non-grouped" and visible outside the grouped button. This is applicable if you have more than two buttons in the process. You can also customize the position of the "non-grouped" button.

Edit the configuration file

  1. Open tomcat/webapps/selfservice/assets/config/config.json to edit.

  2. Navigate to ‘form’ and edit the value of 'showButtonsAsDropdownOnSmallScreens'.

The default value is ‘true’ and all actions are displayed in a drop-down on smaller screens. If you do not want the buttons to be grouped, you can disable the grouping by setting the property value to ‘false’ and all configured buttons are displayed separate in the bottom of the page.



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