- Created by Ann Base (Deactivated) , last modified by Ylva Andersson on Oct 30, 2021
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This article describes how to upgrade the Smart ID Digital Access component from version 5.13.x (includes 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.13.3, 5.13.4, 5.13.5) to 6.0.5 or above for single node appliance as well high availability or distributed setup.
Upgrades from 5.13.1 to 6.0.5 or above should not be done through virtual appliance or admin GUI. Follow the steps in this article for a successful upgrade.
- Version 5.13.0 cannot be directly upgraded to 6.0.5 or above. You must upgrade to 5.13.1 or above, since 5.13.0 has Ubuntu 14.04, which is not a supported version for Docker.
- When upgrading from 5.13.1, or above, to 6.0.5 and above, the appliance OS is not upgraded. You must manually upgrade the OS. However, the recommended option is to provide your own Linux Virtual Machine (VM) instead. If you still want to upgrade the appliance, you need to follow the upgrade instructions for Upgrade from 5.13 to 6.0.2 first, and then Upgrade Digital Access component from 6.0.2 and above to 6.0.5.
You only need to perform these steps once to set the system to use docker and swarm. Once this is all set, future upgrades will become much easier.
There are two options, described below, for upgrading from version 5.13.1 and above to 6.0.5 and above:
- Migrate - This section describes how to upgrade, as well as migrate, the Digital Access instance from appliance to a new Virtual Machine by exporting all data/configuration files with the help of the script provided. (Recommended)
- Upgrade - This section describes how to upgrade Digital Access in the existing appliance to the newer versions.
Download latest updated scripts
Make sure you download the upgradeFrom5.13.tgz file again in case you have downloaded it before 29th October, 2021 to get the latest updated scripts.
- Make sure that you have the correct resources available (memory, CPU and hard disk) as per requirement on new machines.
- Install docker, xmlstarlet, although upgrade/migrate script will install docker and xmlstarlet if not installed already. But if it is an offline upgrade (no internet connection on machine) then install the latest version of docker and xmlstarlet before running the migration steps.
- The following ports shall be open to traffic to and from each Docker host participating on an overlay network:
- TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications.
- TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes.
- UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic.
- For High Availability setup only,
- Make sure you have the similar set of machines, since the placement of services will be same as on the existing setup. For example, if you have two appliances in High Availability setup, you must have two new machines to migrate the setup.
- Identify the nodes, as the new setup should have equal number of machines. You must create mapping of machines from the old setup to the new setup.
Identify the manager node. In docker swarm deployment, one machine is the manager node. Make sure that the administration-service node in the older setup replaces it during upgrade/migrate.
- Steps on existing appliance/setup
Copy upgradeFrom5.13.tgz to all nodes, and extract the .tgz file.
Extracttar -xzf upgradeFrom5.13.tgz
- Run upgrade.sh to migrate files/configuration from the existing setup. It will create a .tgz file in upgrade/scripts/da_migrate_5.13.tgz. Copy this file to the new machine.
Run the below commands with
on the manager node and--worker
on the worker nodes:Run upgrade scriptsudo bash upgrade/scripts/upgrade.sh --manager --export_da (on node running administration-service) sudo bash upgrade/scripts/upgrade.sh --worker --export_da (on all other worker nodes)
After running the commands above you will be asked: "Do you wish to stop the existing services ?- [y/n]". It is recommended to select y for yes. The same configuration and database settings will be copied over to the new setup and there is a possibility of connecting the new instance too with the same database, if the database settings and other configurations are not modified before starting the services.
If you select n for no, the services on the older existing machines will not stop.
The system will now create a dump of the locally running PostgreSQL database. Note that the database dump will only be created in the administration service node.
- Steps on the new setup
Copy upgradeFrom5.13.tgz to all nodes, and extract the .tgz file.
Extracttar -xzf upgradeFrom5.13.tgz
Edit the configuration files in the manager node.
Edit configuration filesNavigate to the docker-compose folder (<path to upgrade folder>/docker-compose) and edit these files:
- docker-compose.yml
- network.yml
- versiontag.yml
For each service, add one section in the docker-compose.yml file.
Change the values for the following keys:
- Service name
- Hostname
- Constraints
For example, if you want to deploy two policy services on two nodes you will have two configuration blocks as shown in the example below.
policy: # configure image tag from versiontag.yaml hostname: policy deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 placement: constraints: #If you need to set constraints using node name #- node.hostname ==<node name> # use node label [node.labels.da-policy-service == true ] resources: limits: cpus: "0.50" memory: 512M reservations: cpus: "0.10" memory: 128M volumes: - /opt/nexus/config/policy-service:/etc/nexus/policy-service:z - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone logging: options: max-size: 10m policy1: # configure image tag from versiontag.yaml hostname: policy1 deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 placement: constraints: #If you need to set constraints using node name #- node.hostname ==<node name> # use node label [node.labels.da-policy-service1 == true ] resources: limits: cpus: "0.50" memory: 512M reservations: cpus: "0.10" memory: 128M volumes: - /opt/nexus/config/policy-service:/etc/nexus/policy-service:z - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone logging: options: max-size: 10m
For each service, add network configuration in the network.yml file. For example, if you want to deploy two policy services on two nodes you will have two blocks of configuration as shown below.
Change the value of:
- Service name: Service name should be identical to what is mentioned in docker-compose.yml
policy: ports: - target: 4443 published: 4443 mode: host networks: - da-overlay policy1: ports: - target: 4443 published: 4443 mode: host networks: - da-overlay
Also, make sure all the listeners that are used for access point Load balance are exposed in network.yml.
Add one line for each service in this file also.
For example, if you have two policy services with name policy and policy1, you will have two lines for each service.
policy: image: nexusimages.azurecr.io/smartid-digitalaccess/policy-service:6.0.x.xxxxx policy1: image: nexusimages.azurecr.io/smartid-digitalaccess/policy-service:6.0.x.xxxxx
- Place the da_migrate_5.13.tgz file inside the scripts folder, upgrade/scripts/.
- Run the upgrade script to import files/configuration from the older setup and upgrade to the latest version.
- Although the upgrade script installs docker and pulls the images from the repository, it is recommended to install docker and pull the images before running the upgrade. That will reduce the script run time and also the downtime of system.
- Verify the Digital Access tag in versiontag.yml (<path to upgrade folder>/docker-compose/versiontag.yml) file. Same tag will be installed as part of upgrade. If it is not correct tag, please update it manually.
Run the script pull_image.sh to pull images on all nodes.
Note: In case of offline upgrade, load DA docker images to the machine also If you are using internal postgres, load postgres:9.6-alpine image on the manager node.
Pull imagessudo bash upgrade/scripts/pull_image.sh
Run the import command:
On the manager node
Run import command on manager nodesudo bash upgrade/scripts/upgrade.sh --manager --import_da (on node running administration-service)
- To set Docker Swarm provide your manager node host IP address.
- In case you are using an external database, select No to skip postgres installation.
(Only applicable for High Availability or distributed setup)
The script prints a token in the output. This token will be used while setting up worker nodes.
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5dxny21y4oslz87lqjzz4wj2wejy6vicjtqwq33mvqqni42ki2-1gvl9xiqcrlxuxoafesxampwq
Here the token part is:
SWMTKN-1-5dxny21y4oslz87lqjzz4wj2wejy6vicjtqwq33mvqqni42ki2-1gvl9xiqcrlxuxoafesxampwq you cannot find the token in the upgrade script output on the manager node, get the cluster join token by running this command:
Get cluster join tokensudo docker swarm join-token worker
On worker nodes
Run import command on worker nodes (Only applicable for High Availability or distributed setup)sudo bash upgrade/scripts/upgrade.sh --worker --import_da --token <token value> --ip-port <ip:port> (on all other worker nodes)
- Follow the screen messages and complete the upgrade. Check for any error in the logs. During the upgrade, it will extract the da_migrate_5.13.tgz files and create the same directory structure as it was on the older setup.
- On the manager node, it will install PostgreSQL database as docker container and import database dump from the older machine.
- After the scripts are executed, the .tgz file will still be there. Delete it once it is confirmed that the upgrade process has been completed successfully.
Verify and identify nodesVerify if all nodes are part of the cluster by running this command.
Verify if all nodes are part of clustersudo docker node ls
Identify nodes ID, master and worker where the service will be distributed.
Identify nodessudo docker node inspect --format '{{ .Status }}' h9u7iiifi6sr85zyszu8xo54l
Output from this command:
IP address will help to identify the Digital Access node.
Add new labels for each serviceAdd new labels for each service which you want to run. Choose any name based on requirement, but make sure they are in accordance with what you have defined in the constraint section in the docker-compose.yml file.
Use these commands to add label for each service:
Commands to add labelssudo docker node update --label-add da-policy-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-authentication-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-administration-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-access-point=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-distribution-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-policy-service1=true <worker node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-access-point1=true <worker node ID>
Deploy your Digital Access stack using this command.
Verify that the required images are available on the nodes. Then run the start-all.sh script in the manager node.
Deploy Digital Access stacksudo bash /opt/nexus/scripts/start-all.sh
Do updates in Digital Access Admin- Log in to Digital Access Admin. If you use an internal database for configurations, provide the host machine IP address to connect the databases (HAG, Oath, Oauth).
- Publish the configurations.
- Change the internal host and port for each added service according to the docker-compose.yml and network.yml files.
- Go to Manage System > Distribution Services and check “Listen on All Interfaces”.
- Go to Manage System >Access Points and provide the IP address instead of the service name. Also check "Listen on all Interfaces".
- If you want to enable XPI and SOAP services, the expose port ID should be in Digital Access Admin.
Redeploy the services using this command on the manager node.
Restartsudo bash /opt/nexus/scripts/start-all.sh
Prerequisites and Preparations
- Expand the root partition, since on 5.13.x appliance the size of the disk is only 4 GB. It must be expanded before upgrading, for docker to work, since it requires more space.
- Boot the virtual machine and log in to it.
- To find out which hard disk to expand, do
df -h
to see which disk partition is mounted for root file system, /dev/sdc1 or /dev/sdb1. - Assuming that sdb1 is the primary hard disk, shut down the virtual machine and expand the size of the virtual machine's disk (as mentioned in step 1 above), from 4GB to minimum 16GB via editing the Virtual Machine settings.
- If /dev/sdb1is mounted, hard disk 2 needs to be expanded.
- If /dev/sdc1is mounted, hard disk 3 needs to be expanded.
- Boot the virtual machine and log in again.
- Verify the disk size of mounted disk by running this command:Check disk size
fdisk -l
- Once the disk is successfully expanded, resize the partition and expand the file system.
Resize the partition using the command below. This will display the free space available on the disk.
Resizesudo cfdisk /dev/sdb
- Select the Resize menu in the bottom. Once resize is selected, it displays the disk size after resizing as 16GB (or the size that was set in step 1 above).
- Select the Write menu, to write the new partition table on disk.
- Select Quit to exit from command.
- Expand the file system on the root partition:resize
sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb1
- Verify the size of the disk partition:check disk size
df -h
- The following ports shall be open to traffic to and from each Docker host participating on an overlay network:
- TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications.
- TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes.
- UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic.
- Copy upgradeFrom5.13.tgz to the manager node (node where administration service is running) and all worker (other) nodes. In this setup we will set and consider the administration-service node as the manager node.
Extract the tar file:
Extracttar -xzf upgradeFrom5.13.tgz
- Set up the docker daemon and pull images:
- Verify the Digital Access tag in versiontag.yml (<path to upgrade folder>/docker-compose/versiontag.yml) file. The same tag will be installed as part of the upgrade. If it is not the correct tag, update it manually.
- Although the upgrade script installs docker and pulls the images from repository, it is recommended to install docker and pull the images before running the upgrade. This will reduce the script run time and also the downtime of the system.
Run the script pull_image.sh to pull images on all nodes.
In case of offline upgrade, load the Digital Access docker images to the machine. Also, if you are using internal postgres, load postgres:9.6-alpine image on the manager node.
Pull imagessudo bash upgrade/scripts/pull_image.sh
- Make sure there is a backup/snapshot of the machine before starting the upgrade.
Step-by-step instruction
Upgrade manager node
To upgrade the manager node (the node on which the administration service runs):
Run the upgrade script with this command line option:
Run upgrade scriptsudo bash upgrade/scripts/upgrade.sh --manager
- To set Docker Swarm provide your manager node host IP address.
- In case you are using an external database, select No to skip postgres installation.
(Only applicable for High Availability or distributed setup)
The script prints a token in the output. This token will be used while setting up worker node
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-5dxny21y4oslz87lqjzz4wj2wejy6vicjtqwq33mvqqni42ki2-1gvl9xiqcrlxuxoafesxampwq
Here the token part is:
Optional: If you cannot find token in upgrade script output on the manager node, get the cluster join token by running this command:
sudo docker swarm join-token worker |
If you have HA setup, multiple instances of services running on different nodes, then you must edit the yml configuration.
Navigate to the docker-compose folder (/opt/nexus/docker-compose) and edit these files:
- docker-compose.yml
- network.yml
- versiontag.yml
For each service, add one section in the docker-compose.yml file.
Change the values for the following keys:
- Service name
- Hostname
- Constraints
For example, if you want to deploy two policy services on two nodes you will have two configuration blocks as shown in the example below.
policy: # configure image tag from versiontag.yaml hostname: policy deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 placement: constraints: #If you need to set constraints using node name #- node.hostname ==<node name> # use node label [node.labels.da-policy-service == true ] resources: limits: cpus: "0.50" memory: 512M reservations: cpus: "0.10" memory: 128M volumes: - /opt/nexus/config/policy-service:/etc/nexus/policy-service:z - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone logging: options: max-size: 10m policy1: # configure image tag from versiontag.yaml hostname: policy1 deploy: mode: replicated replicas: 1 placement: constraints: #If you need to set constraints using node name #- node.hostname ==<node name> # use node label [node.labels.da-policy-service1 == true ] resources: limits: cpus: "0.50" memory: 512M reservations: cpus: "0.10" memory: 128M volumes: - /opt/nexus/config/policy-service:/etc/nexus/policy-service:z - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone logging: options: max-size: 10m
For each service add network configuration in the network.yml file. For example, if you want to deploy two policy services on two nodes you will have two blocks of configuration as shown below.
- Service name: Service name should be identical to what is mentioned in docker-compose.yml.
policy : ports: - target: 4443 published: 4443 mode: host networks: - da-overlay policy1: ports: - target: 4443 published: 4443 mode: host networks: - da-overlay
Also, make sure all the listeners that are used for access point Load balance are exposed in network.yml.
Add one line for each service. If you have two policy services with name policy and policy1, you will have entries for each service.
policy : image: nexusimages.azurecr.io/smartid-digitalaccess/policy-service:6.0.x.xxxxx policy1: image: nexusimages.azurecr.io/smartid-digitalaccess/policy-service:6.0.x.xxxxx
Upgrade worker nodes (Only applicable for High Availability or distributed setup)
- Keep note of token, ip and port from the above steps.
Run the upgrade script, follow the command line options:
Get cluster join tokensudo bash upgrade/scripts/upgrade.sh --worker --token <token value> --ip-port <ip:port>
Do final steps at manager node
Verify if all nodes are part of cluster by running this command.
Verify if all nodes are part of clustersudo docker node ls
Identify nodes ID, master and worker where the service will be distributed.
Identify nodessudo docker node inspect --format '{{ .Status }}' h9u7iiifi6sr85zyszu8xo54l
Output from this command:
IP address will help to identify the Digital Access node.
Add new labels for each service which you want to run. Choose any name based on requirement, but make sure they are in accordance with what you have defined in the constraint section in the docker-compose.yml file.
Use these commands to add label for each service:
Commands to add labelssudo docker node update --label-add da-policy-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-authentication-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-administration-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-access-point=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-distribution-service=true <manager node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-policy-service1=true <worker node ID> sudo docker node update --label-add da-access-point1=true <worker node ID>
Deploy your Digital Access stack using this command.
Verify that the required images are available on the nodes. Then run the start-all.sh script on the manager node.
Deploy DA stacksudo bash /opt/nexus/scripts/start-all.sh
- Log in to Digital Access Admin. If you use an internal database for configurations, provide the host machine IP address to connect the databases (HAG, Oath, Oauth).
- Publish the configurations.
- Change the internal host and port for each added service according to the docker-compose.yml and network.yml files.
- Go to Manage System > Distribution Services and select the checkbox for “Listen on All Interfaces” in case of the ports that are to be exposed.
- Go to Manage System >Access Points and provide the IP address instead of the service name. Also enable the "Listen on all Interfaces" option.
- If you want to enable the XPI and SOAP services, the expose port ID should be in Digital Access Admin.
Redeploy the services using this command on the manager node:
Deploy Digital Access stacksudo bash /opt/nexus/scripts/start-all.sh
This article is valid for upgrade from Digital Access 5.13.1 and above to 6.0.5 or above.
- No labels