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Migrate existing CM installation to Podman (Podman compose)

This article is new for Certificate Manager 8.10.4.

This article describes how to migrate an existing Smart ID Certificate Manager (CM) installation to Podman using Podman compose.


  • Certificate Manager (CM) is installed with version CM 8.10.X.

    • Earlier CM versions are not supported for migration and must be updated the regular way before a migration can be performed.

  • Podman version 4.9.4 or later is installed.

  • A valid CM license file

Step-by-step instructions

Deployment directory setup

Load Podman images

The Podman images for CM are located in the images directory within the distributable package.

  • Load the images using the following commands:
    podman image load -i images/cf-server.tar
    podman image load -i images/pgw.tar

Stop existing CF server and PGW

Modify docker compose file

  • Update the docker-compose file with the existing database connection details. For more information, see the “Connecting to services running on the Podman host” section in Deployment using Podman compose

Place existing license file

  • Place the existing license file in the license directory within the CM deployment directory.

Initialize the CM deployment

  • Create the containers and volumes by using the following command:
    podman-compose up --no-start

Now the containers and volumes required by the CF server and PGW are ready to be configured.

Migrate CF server configuration

  • The content of the following three directories needs to be copied from your current CF server installation (this assumes that your current installation is running CF with internal cis):

The following volumes exists for the above listed directories:

  • bin:

    • Only HSM library .dll/.so files needs to be copied

  • certs:

  • config:

Migrate PGW configuration

The content of the following two directories needs to be copied from your current PGW installation:

The following volumes exists for the above listed directories:

  • <cm-gateway>/conf:

  • <tomcat-installation>/config:

Start CF server container

  • Start the CF server container using the following command:
    podman-compose start cf-server

Start pgw container

  • Start the pgw container using the following command:
    podman-compose start pgw

Enable pgw container health check

Enable HSM configuration


  • Configuration files and libraries/addons (such as HSM) can be added as volumes to the containers.

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