Mobile ID - Options for expiring mobile IDs

Mobile ID - Options for expiring mobile IDs

These are the options that can be set for how to handle expiring mobile IDs in the Mobile ID package in Smart ID Identity Manager.

  1. Log in to Identity Manager Admin as Administrator.

  2. In Identity Manager Admin, go to Home > Scripts.

  3. Select the script MobileIDScriptExpiringOptions.

  4. In the script, go to the MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays variable, see the example. By default it is set to 60, 30, 14, 7, which means that an email will be sent out 60, 30, 14 and 7 days before the mobile ID expires.


    */ Defines a list of days for when the expiring check email is sent out. These values must be comma-separated and as an Integer. Currently maximum day is 60. Changes need to be applied to the search configuration MobileIDSearchBatchSyncExpiring if higher value is required. Possible options: * [60, 30, 14, 7](default) - Email will be sent out 60, 30, 14 and 7 days before expiring. */ MobileIDEmailBeforeEpiringDays = [60, 30, 14, 7]

  5. Click Save in the upper left corner to save the updated script (or exit without saving if there are no updates).

  1. Log in to Identity Manager Admin as Administrator.

  2. In Identity Manager Admin, go to Home > Scripts.

  3. Select the script MobileIDScriptExpiringOptions.

  4. In the script, go to the MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringEachDay variable, see the example. By default it is set to true, which means that emails are sent out each day after the last day in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays, (in the example above, day 7 before expiring).


    /* Defines if expiring check email is supposed to be sent each day after the last day in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays. Example: If the last day(least) is 7 in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays. Send email on 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Possible options: * true(default) - Email will be sent out every day after the last day in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays. * false - Emails will not be sent out after the last day in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays. */ MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringEachDay = true

  5. If you do not want emails to be sent out after the last day in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays, set MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringEachDay to false.

Technical details








[60, 30, 14, 7] (default)

An email will be sent out 60, 30, 14 and 7 days before the mobile ID expires


As set in the value


True (default)

Emails are sent out each day after the last day in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays


No emails are sent out after the last day in MobileIDEmailBeforeExpiringDays

Click here to see the whole script for managing options for expiring mobile IDs

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