GO Workforce software installation guide

GO Workforce software installation guide

This article describes how to install the GO Workforce software.

Nexus GO Services delivery team will do the initial distribution of all required software to get the service up and running. The customer is responsible to keep up-to-date and to download the latest software clients as required.

Install Smart ID Desktop App

The Smart ID Desktop App is used for smart card encoding and virtual smart card creation on Windows (10 or later) devices.


Go to Smart ID Desktop App requirements and interoperability for more information about prerequisites.

Step-by-step instruction

Installation options

Set installation options. For more information about installation options, see Install and upgrade Smart ID Desktop App.

Run the Metadata tool

To roll out customized settings to your users (example: logging options to be enabled), you must run the Metadata tool for Smart ID Desktop App. For more information, see Smart ID Desktop App metadata tool.

With the tool you can gather information about Smart ID Desktop App metadata for backup or in order to investigate issues with Smart ID Desktop App. The tool also allows you to easily modify Smart ID Desktop App settings. This can be used to customize Smart ID Desktop App settings directly with the app installation, or to restore it.

  1. Prepare a json file to be imported by the Metadata tool:

    Example: A json file which can be imported by the tool

    {     "AlwaysFlushLogFile": "true"     "LogLevel": "Trace", }
  2. When the Smart ID Desktop App has been installed, run this command:

    metadatatool.exe -i loglevel.json

Install Nexus Personal Desktop Client

Nexus Personal Desktop Client is only used in combination with JCOP3 and CardOS smart cards. This client is not required for Thales or YubiCo smart cards.


Go to Personal Desktop Client requirements and interoperability for more information about prerequisites.

Step-by-step instruction

Installation options

Set installation options. For more information about installation options, see Install Personal Desktop Client.

Configure and install Nexus Personal Desktop Client

All files (iD2ppa.cfg, personal.cfg and pin.cer) will be provided by the GO Services delivery team.

  1. Place iD2ppa.cfg into C:\Program Files (x86)\Personal\config

  2.  Also place iD2ppa.cfg into %appdata%\Personal\config

  3. Place personal.cfg into C:\Program Files (x86)\Personal\config

  4. Also place personal.cfg into %appdata%\Personal\config

  5. Overwrite (if) any existing files.

  6. Create a folder in C:\ called Nexus and then a sub-folder called Personal

  7. Place pin.cer into C:\Nexus\Personal

Details in the provided files

The provided files include these changes:

Line 15 in iD2ppa.cfg is adapted to map the pin.cer directory (C:\Nexus\Personal)
Line 130 in iD2ppa.cfg is adapted to map trace logs to the directory C:\Nexus\Personal\logs
Line 14 and 15 in personal.cfg is adapted to include CacheValidity=0

Do not change these values without assistance of Nexus.

Install Nexus Smart ID Mobile App

For more information, see Get started with Smart ID Mobile App.


Go to Smart ID Mobile App requirements and interoperability for more information about prerequisites.

Step-by-step instruction

For more information, see Smart ID Mobile App.

Third Party Applications


These applications are not developed or issued by Nexus. For support and/or licensing questions, contact the responsible party. Nexus can only supply links to the supplier of the software.

Thales End-user tools

See https://supportportal.thalesgroup.com/csm .

If the Thales Smart Card minidrivers is not present in your OS catalogue for drivers, it can be downloaded on above mentioned website and manually distributed.

You can also download Thales SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) software, but this is not required to use the smart cards in the Nexus solution.

Encoding instructions:

  1. To encode MD830/930 and/or MD940 Smart Cards, the DLL 'IDPrimePKCS1164.dll', which is installed with SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC), must be present in C:\Windows\system32.

  2. During installation of SAC, select Custom Installation during setup and select the following feature:

    1. Core > IDPrime PKCS#11 (Core (IDPrime PKCS#11))

  3. When that is installed, you can find the DLL file in the installation directory, and you can move it to the System32 directory mentioned above.

  4. Optional: You can uninstall SAC and distribute the DLL file as required. The file is not available outside the installation client.

YubiKey End-user tools

For more information, see Downloads .

  • To use YubiKey PIV, you must install the YubiKey Smart Card Minidriver.

  • Encoding of YubiKey PIV is done with Nexus Smart ID Desktop App

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