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Sign document with PDF Signing API

This article describes how to create a request for one person to sign documents. With this method, the signing operation can be performed completely in your own system, without the need to use the PDF Signing portal. For now, this operation is only available using Swedish BankID as signing method.

If several persons are to sign documents, then use the command POST /request instead. For more information, see Create signing request in PDF Signing API. 

Sequence diagram: Sign document with PDF Signing API

Sign document step-by-step

  1. The web application sends a signing request to Nexus GO, including the documents, the user ID (personnummer) of the signer and a response URL.

    1. Nexus GO sends a authentication request to Swedish BankID. 

    2. The signer opens the BankID application and authenticates.

    3. Nexus GO signs the documents in the request and sends a callback to the specified response URL. 

  2. When the signing state is COMPLETED, the web application requests the documents from Nexus GO. For more information, see Get request status or signed document.

    1. Nexus GO returns the documents including the signature. 

Code example

To sign documents, use the method POST /sign. When used in your own application, you must provide a valid response URL for the callback response.

For the Swedish BankID example, userId shall be the national identification number (In Swedish: personnummer). 

Example: Sign
Authorization: Bearer <access token> POST /sign { "documents": [ { "name": "contract.pdf", "data": "<base64 encoded pdf document>" } ], "name": "My Contract", "message": "Please sign My Contract", "responseUrl": "", "signer": { "method": "SE_BANKID", "userId": "198901023286" } }

{ "id":"123" }

Example: Create sign request
{ "autostarttoken":"9b64ebc6-c468-46fc-ae47-141ef744d72f", "requestId":"5bcdaef6be49e90001dc641e" }

For more information on how to get the status of the request or the actual documents, see Get request status or signed document.

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